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The next morning Rachel and I were at the pool sunning our selves by the pool.  I had told her about the night before and she looked at me and said "ahh, he is such a gentleman you are so lucky Elle."  "yeah I know.  The thing is I know I want to but I am so afraid once I do I will loose him"  "Elle, I doubt that by now he would have given up.  As for taking that step you can't do it unless you are ready.  If you do it before your ready it can ruin your relationship."  I smiled and thanked her for her help.  

Later that night Noah took me out just the two of us.  We went to eat dinner at a burger joint.  We talked about how much he was glad we were finally together.  He held my hand constantly.  Barely letting it go long enough so we could eat.  He didn't notice anyone around him.  Only when this girl came up to the table and put her hand on his shoulder and started to drag it down his arm.  He reached up grabed her hand and droped it then looked at her and said "can you see I am here with my fiancee" she looked at him and said "you can't be serrious you are way out of her league." he stands up takes my hand and looks at her and says "well actually all I can see is that she has more class then you which makes her perfect for me."  He leads me out the door and to the car.  We get in and drive back to the beach house.  He leads me to the deck where he helps take off my shoes then he removes his and leads me down the beach.  Where we walk hand in hand talking about our future.  He says how much he hates the idea of leaving me in the fall but he wants me to work hard so I can join him in a year.  After a while he led me back to the house and we dusted off our feet before we headed inside.  I looked up at him and told him "you know tonight was perfect.  I love you so much Noah.  I can't belive you are mine when you could have any girl in school or any where for that matter."  "I have the girl I want the only one I want.  He leans down and brushes his lips against mine.  I feel his tongue brush against my lips and I open them to allow him in.  He kisses me deep pulling me agianst him.  I run my hands up his arms and start to run my fingers though his hair tugging ever so slightly.  He runs his hands down my back and down my butt lifting me up so I could wrap my arms around his waist.  He pushes me up against the wall as he slowly kisses down my neck.  I throw my head back giving him more access.  As he slowly kisses down he pauses as his lips grazes my clevage.  I look into his questioning eyes and say "yes, Noah" he turns and starts walking down the hall placing kisses along my skin he can reach.  Eventually we are in our room and he is laying me on our bed and I realize I am ready to give myself completley to him.

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