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The next week Lee was begging me to stop. Knowing Lee's locker combination, I decided my first prank would start there. So, I blew up a bunch of pink balloons that said congratulations it's a girl with pictures of Lee on them. With a sign attached saying hope the sex change is going well. He opened it up right at the end of the day when the halls are at there peak. I had Tuppen take a picture of his reaction, which I later posted on Instagram with the #rulenumber2. Another day I had picked up some girly magazines, a bottle of lube and one of his socks and left them on his bed when I knew Rachel was coming over for a study session. I was hiding under the bed and snapped a pic of his reaction and of course, posted again with the same hashtag. I had a week's worth of pics. All leading up to the main event where all the gang showed up, and I knew if I harassed Lee enough he would get ready to do Geronimo on me. As soon as he stomped off, I dove into the pool and glanced at Duncan who I had arranged this with and winked. Noah looked at me and said "what you up to Shelly" about this time right on cue Lee yells Geronimo and jumps in. I dive under grab his trunks pull and swim to the side and climb out. Standing there holding Lee's trunks in my hand. Everyone is laughing, and Lee looks at me and says ahh come on Shelly. Tuppen yells "wow I thought Evans was the one that wanted to skinny dip." Duncan snaps the pic and sends it to me. It has Lee in the pool holding his junk with me standing there holding his trunks in my hand above his head with #rulenumber2 don't break it again.

Lee said he would never do it again and tried to say technically he didn't break Rule #2 because he didn't say anything. I responded with "well technically you did because you had to say things like pop a cherry or use protection in front of our parents right after our trip to the beach house without them." He laughed "ok, but I didn't think they would get it." I shook my head "Lee our parents are not stupid. Unlike you I kept my mouth shut about your extra activities there at the beach house." He hugged me and said "well if this is what is going to happen to me every time I break rule #2 I will keep my mouth shut. Hey, wait you broke rule #9 no fair." "Yes, I did, but you forgave me, and we changed it. Plus Rule #2 was to always keep each other's secrets, and that is more important to a bestie friendship than not dating a relative."

Later that night Noah and I were laying out by the pool when he spoke up "Shelly baby, I think Lee has paid the price enough" I giggle "yeah, I know I am done the whole swimming trunk thing was the last punishment." He shook his head "Lee should know by now not to make you mad all you are going to do is prank him." I looked at Noah and smiled before saying "you do realize that this is still not over. Lee is going to have to live through a few more days of teasing." He shook his head "yeah especially after that whole sex change thing." "true, the swimming trunks thing has boosted his ego with some girls saying he has a cute butt." Noah growls "you better not be one of them." I look up at him and say "well it is a cute, but yours is hot and all mine." He nuzzles my neck and nips it before saying "you better not be checking out my lil' bro you are mine." I throw my head back and laugh "never, I am all yours Noah. I love your ass." I straddle him and lean down and kiss him. He pulls me closer just when a flash goes off, and I hear cackling as I see Lee running away. I shake my head just as my phone pings there is the picture of Noah and me kissing with #myfavecouple. Noah looks up at me "I take it that is his big apology." "yep, it is. This means a lot to me, Noah." He looks at me and wipes a tear away that has started to fall. "I know Shelly baby it means he has finally accepted us being together." He pulls me close and kisses me deep leaving me breathless. After we break away from the kiss, I lay in his arms watching the stars overhead happy that my Flynn boys are happy.

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