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I was downstairs drinking a beer and talking to Tuppen when I see Noah on the second floor and a girl come up from behind him and wrap her arms around his neck and tries to kiss him.  Noah had stepped back reached up removed her arms from around him and started coming down stairs.  He found me talking to Tuppen and grabbed me around the waist pulled me close and kissed me.  I barely had time to react before he pulled away and kept one arm around my waist.  I was still a little dazed when I heard Tuppen say "I knew it I fuckin knew it that is why you didn't want none of guys to ask Evans out.  You wanted her all to yourself."  "Yes, I did she is my girl and the only one I want"  The look on the girls face from the second floor and a lot of girls around me made me think damn if looks could kill.  Lewis walked up and said "damn way to make your point Flynn.  I am so glad y'all got your nickers out of a bunch and finally admitted your feelings for each other" I stepped away from Noah and gave Lewis a quick hug I heard Noah growl and shook my head I turn to Noah quickly saying "you behave he is still my friend" then I turn to Lewis "thank you Lewis for everything between you and Tuppen you made me realize that I needed to follow my heart" "you got it Elle and thank you.  I should have known you up to something when you were flirting with me after our talk the other night" "hey what can I say I am a hopeless romantic."

The rest of the night as Noah and I moved from room to room talking to everyone.  A few girls tried from time to time to get Noah's attention but he never left my side.  One girl I think she was a Senior like Noah said loud enough for everyone around to hear "let's go to your room and have some fun you know she won't give you what you want tonight" I felt my heart fall until I heard "if that is all I wanted Shelly would be the last girl I would go out with and commit myself too I know what I am getting myself into with her."  He leaned in and said "I have had enough come with me"  He dragged me up the stairs and turned around he motioned for someone to cut the music.  When everything was quiet and people started wandering in from the other rooms he said "Ok I am only going to say this once.  I fell in love with Rochelle "Elle" Evans when I was 15 years old.  The only reason I never acted on it sooner was because I thought Lee loved her as well and would not do that to my little bro.  Yet, I didn't want anyone else to date her so I warned all the guys in this room off her except for one and only because I had no contact with him except when Elle was around.  All the guys in here listened to me except for one and he learned really quick what could happen if he didn't stop.  When Rachel came into Lee's life the only thing that kept me from Elle was the reputation I had built up on purpose to try to forget her made me feel unworthy.  Yeah, I got rid of one suitor easily enough but there was one I couldn't get rid of he wasn't even scared of me and then I felt I had no right because he actually wanted to protect her.  When they stopped seeing each other I Knew I had to act.  That is why tonight I carried her off that damn kissing booth.  I couldn't stand seeing any of you yahoo's touching her.  So, to let you know officially she is mine and I am hers.  I have no interest in any other girl but her.  If I have to wait till the day we get married for her to give all herself to me so be it"  with that he grabbed my hand and walked down the stairs.  I whispered to "thanks a lot you just told the whole school truly how innocent I am"  he laughed "Shelly baby they all already knew that why do you think that girl said what she did"

We spent the rest of the night outside by the pool just holding each other under the stars from time to time someone would come up and talk to us but it was mostly just us. At one point Dallas asked us "it was Lewis wasn't it"  I looked at her and said "yes, but we were never an official couple we were just dating all that ever happened between us was one make-out session with no roaming hands.  We stopped everything because he wasn't over you and couldn't forget you and because my feeling for this Neanderthal were finally starting to protest."  She smiled and said good "you set up that kiss didn't you" I smiled and said "yes with Rachel's help" "thank you Elle"  "your welcome." 

After every one left the party I went to the guest room grabbed my clothes and since Rachel and Lee were in his room I asked Noah if I could use his shower he said yes.  I went in showered and got ready for bed.  I went down to the guests room and found that they were both occupied.  Noah came up behind me and said come on you can sleep in my room we will leave the door open ok.  We will just sleep.  He lead me to his room left his door opened and climbed into bed.  I rested my head on his chest and as I was drifting off to sleep I said "I love you Noah" I heard back "I love you to Shelly"

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