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The week leading up to the kissing booth kept me busy.  A new girl had started going to school with us and you guessed it her name was Dallas.  Turns out her dad was in the military and was stationed in Iraq so he couldn't take her with him. so he sent her to his Sister's house which just happened to be Rachel's.  So she helped us with the booth I didn't realize she was Lewis's Dallas until one day she asked me who the guy in the 1956 Chevy was.  "Oh, a friend he goes to Norwood High. He came by so we could grab a bite to eat. Why?" "The truck reminds me of someone I knew back home."  I look at Rachel and grin. "Really maybe I should set you two up."  "No, don't I am still not over my ex he moved out here to LA and I have no way to get a hold of him since he changed his number and Rachel says it would be too hard to track him down. Plus he probably has a girlfriend already."  "Well, then you should do the kissing booth to help you get over him or find a new boyfriend. I think I might do it as well"  All of a sudden I hear behind me "Really Shelly"  I turn around and look into Noah's eyes and just roll them at him "why do you care."  "I don't"  He leaned in and whispered in my ear "but I will make sure no one goes near the booth if you are participating."  "Oh, you when are you going to get it into your head you do not tell me what to do"  "your right I don't but I do tell the guys what to do"  "ahh just go away Noah"  "no can do Shelly Lee took M&D to the airport we are having a party after the carnival."  "wow two weeks in a row" "yep, so guess what I am your ride"  "really, car or bike" "bike" I lean in and whisper "nope I will just text Lewis" he leans in and whispers "no you will not you two broke up and why are we whispering."  I look at Dallas and say "fine you win Noah but only because if I don't let you my dad and your parents will kill us both."

I get on the back of his bike and before we take off he says "my place or yours"  "not funny Noah.  Yes I am spending the night my dad is out of town as well and Brad is spending the weekend at a friends"  "ok hold on" I place my hands on his waist and he starts up the bike and we take off I swear he took off fast on purpose so I would have to wrap my arms around his waist because when I gripped him tighter I felt him chuckle.

We all went to sleep early that night since the fair was the next day and we had to get up early.  Lee and I took off and finished setting up the kissing booth while waiting for our volunteers.  Dallas had agreed at the last minute that she would do it so when she was not anywhere near me I pulled out my phone and texted Lewis 

Me:  Hey you are coming right you promised.

Lewis:  Yes Elle, I don't break my promise.

Me:  OK because if you do I will be very disappointed.

Lewis:  You are going to guilt me now

Me:  You know you love it.

Lewis:  Behave oh I will be bringing some of the guys I met here with me.  I should warn you they might hit on you because when they saw that pic of us they told me I was crazy to break up with you.

Me:  LOL did you warn them about Noah

Lewis: nope I am bad aren't I now get back to work.

Me: Ok

Noah walked up and said "who are you texting" "none of your business"  I walked up to Rachel and pull her aside and whisper "ok here is the plan Lewis is going to text me when he get's here.  He doesn't want to see the girl he is going to kiss because he says it would just feel wrong to his memory of Dallas and what we had so I will blindfold him.  While I am doing that you blindfold Dallas and sit her down and I will lead Lewis over to her and say ok kiss."  Rachel looks at me and says "I hope this works she really has been moping since coming here but she won't talk to me about it."  Noah comes over to us and says "hey Shelly can we talk" I look at him and say "I can I don't know about you" and walk away  I hear him sigh and then I hear Rachel run up to me "you really are making him pay aren't you" "no, I am just still mad he would think I would sit there and make-out at a party just because everyone else does."  "Elle he really is sorry.  I heard him tell Lee that this is driving him nuts.   He said this is the longest you have gone without talking to him"  "I know Rachel but he needs to understand he can't tell me what to do.  I understand he wants to protect me but what is going to happen next year when he is gone or better yet if we all end up at different colleges."  " I see your point but you need to forgive him.  Everyone is noticing how you treat him and how he is reacting and they think you two are having a lovers quarrel, and that you were cheating on him with you know who" "OK Rachel I guess your right it is just the reason me and you know who broke up was because of him and Dallas."  "really"  I look around and say "when Noah is just in the same room as me my heart rate spikes and I feel as if there is no one else around"  she giggles "damn girl you are in love"

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