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The next morning Lee and I pulled into the parking lot and as usual Lee hits the breaks hard as we park.  All of a sudden we hear "nice driving Little Flynn"  we look up and Tuppen is waiting for us.  He walks over to my door and opens it up.  As I get out I notice Noah glaring at us we make eye contact, and  I flip my hair and allow Tuppen to place his hand on the small of my back and lead me into the building.  Tuppen walked me to all my classes.  Lunch interesting Tuppen sat with us.  Lee leans over and whispers in my ear "hey, Noah looks pissed and every time Tuppen touches you he cracks his knuckles. If I didn't know any better I say by big bro likes you."  I look over at Noah, and sure enough he is so intently giving Tuppen the stank eye behind his back he doesn't see me look at him.  I look at Lee and whisper back "yeah, right he is just mad Tuppen didn't listen to him."  All of a sudden Tuppen grabs me and pulls me into his lap and says "what are you two whispering about?"  I look up at him and say "sorry it's a twin thing." Rachel responds "don't even try they will not rat each other out." He looks at me and says "not even if I do this" at that point he kisses me lightly at the base of my neck. "nope sorry." At that point, the bell rang, and we went off to class.   

I was sitting out by Lee's pool enjoying the sun when all of a sudden there is a shadow above me.  I don't even bother looking up because I know it is Noah since I can hear Lee and Rachel in the pool.  "So, did you enjoy your little display in school today."  "I don't know what you are talking about."  All of a sudden I am lifted out of the lounger and carried into the house.  "Damn it Noah put me down right now." "We need to talk without an audience."  He walks into the game room and puts me down.  I turn on him and say "so, talk"  "damn it, Shelly, you need to stop Tuppen is just playing you." "Noah we are just dating get over it."  I try to walk out of the room, and he grabs me and pulls me close.  "I mean it Rochelle you need to stop this he is making you look like a fool."  I don't understand it but all of a sudden my heart rate started to pick up.  I glare up at him "at least he doesn't treat me like a child, unlike some people.  If I want to continue to see Tuppen that is my business, not yours." "so, if you two are so close why isn't he here" "well duh football practice remember you were with him you just got home he said he would stop by after." I yank my arm out of his grasp and walk back out to the pool.  When I get out to the pool where he was "hey, there beautiful missed you"  He hugged me and gave me a quick peck on the lips.  All of a sudden we heard the door slam and Noah drive off on his motorcycle.

Lee yelled at me "so, did you two fight again"  "yeah, twin your brother is being an ass he will get over it."  We were all in the game room when Noah came home watching a movie.  Noah walked in and said, "mom said Max just called he wants you home come on let's go."  Tuppen picks me up and stands up and says "come on let's get you home." Noah stood in front of us and said: "no, my mom told me to take her home so, put her down and go."  The two of them were staring each other down, and I just looked at Lee and said: "way too much testosterone I am gone."  I grabbed my bag and walked out the door and headed home.  Tuppen comes running up and says "at least let me walk you plus we need to talk."  "sure what is it"  "look I don't know what is going on with Flynn but this is making it difficult for me on the team and now he is taking it out on you and Little Flynn.  When I left Noah and Lee were yelling at each other I think it is just best we stop.  I mean you are awesome Elle, but I don't think we have anything.  I mean I like holding you, but something Flynn yelled at Little Flynn made me realize something.  You are not the kind of girl for casual fun, and I don't want to hurt you.  Can we still be friends."  We reach my house, and I look at him hug him give him a quick peck on the lips and say "of course we can thanks for being honest with me"  "anytime Evans I hope you find the right guy."  He walked off back to Lee's as I headed inside.

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