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I had found a blue dress with a square neckline that skimmed my body falling into a full skirt that fell to just below my knees for graduation.  It was bittersweet.  I was excited because this meant that first Noah had finally finished high school and Lee and I was going to be Seniors next year.  I was sad because it also meant Noah would be leaving in two months for Boston.  I was not ready to let him go.  I sat with the Flynn's and watched the graduating class march into Pomp and Circumstance.  Heard all the crazy speeches and waited as each person was called up to get their diplomas.  When they called Noah's name, I couldn't help but allow a few tears to slide down my face as I smiled and clapped for him.  After Noah left the stage Lee pulled me close and told me "don't worry Shells it is going to work out between you two.  He loves you.  You are the first girl he has ever taken seriously, and that is saying a lot."  I look up at Lee and smile "yeah, I know twin, but I sure am going to miss him next year."

After the last person was called and the principal said goodbye to the graduating class all the graduates threw their caps into the air and yelled.  It took a while but eventually, Noah made his way to us and hugged us all.  He looked wrapped his arm around me and pulled me up against him and said: "I know Shelly baby, I promise we will try."  

The summer flew, by the way, to fast for me.  We all went to drop Noah off at the airport and say goodbye I was not ready to let him go to Boston.  I had even tried to bow out going to the airport, so I didn't have to deal with watching him leave.  That was impossible when he heard me telling Lee I wasn't going he begged me to go saying he wanted to spend every last second with me.  Once we reached the terminal, he gave each of his family one last hug.  They all stepped away to give Noah and me some alone time, and he looked down at me smiled and said "I love you I will be back soon.  You will be the first person I call when I land."  I smiled and said, "better not be, call your mom first then me."  "O.K. Shelly, take care and please be safe I can't lose you now that I finally have you."  "You too, no picking fights or make-out sessions."  "I will try not to fight and as for the make-out sessions only if they are with you."  I smiled and said, "I love you and will miss you."  He hugged me tight kissed me deeply and passionately then whispered "I promise we will make it work.  I love you.  You are my life."  With that, he turned and walked away stopping just before I would lose sight of him and he turned around blew me a kiss and winked.

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