Chapter 2

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I awoke some time after falling asleep. It was still dark as I looked out the window. It was a full moon and it was beautiful. I let out a sigh and glanced at Kagome's bed to find it empty and still made. I frowned. Where was she?

I got up and stretched before leaving the room. I walked to the kitchen thinking she might be having a snack. When I didn't find her in there, I checked the living room. Not there either. I let out a sigh, and was about to go back to her room, when I noticed the front door was half cracked. Did she go outside?

I turned around and went outside. I shivered wishing I had brought my coat with me, but the thought soon disappeared when I saw Kagome go into the old shrine. I followed her quietly and watched her jump into the well. I closed my eyes when a bright pink light appeared.

When I opened them, I ran to the well to see that Kagome was gone. My eyes went wide and I looked around for any signs of her.

"Kagome?" I asked hoping she was hiding somewhere and not hurt at the bottom of the well.

When I got no reply, I ran back to the house. I grabbed my backpack and ran back to the well. I got out a flash light and looked down at it. I bent over looking for Kagome when I lost my balance and fell into the well.

I landed on my butt and let out an ouch. I opened my eyes and looked up to see the night sky. What the...? Where's the roof? I stood up ignoring the soreness from the landing.

"Kagome?" I shouted hoping she was around and this was some kind of joke.

"Kaori?" I heard her reply and then her face popped up looking down at me from the top.

"Hey." I said waving at her.

"Kagome, what's going on?" I heard a guy ask and soon a guy with white hair with pointy dog ears appeared next to Kagome.

Were those ears real or was it some sort of  headband? What was going on? Could I have fallen, and just got knocked out? Was this a hallucination?

"Who's that?" The guy asked looking down at me.

"Inuyasha, this is Kaori. She's a friend of mine." Kagome told the guy, "What are you doing here, Kaori?"

"I fell into the well. Where are we exactly?" I asked her, "And can I get out of here?"

Before I knew it, the guy, Inuyasha jumped down, grabbed me and jumped once more landing next to Kagome. He set me down and looked at Kagome.

"She smells weird." Inuyasha said and I glared at him.

How rude of him to say something like that!

"You smell like a dog." I huffed crossing my arms as I caught the scent of dog on him.

"Inuyasha, Kaori, calm down." Kagome said stepping between us as we had a glaring contest.

I looked away from Inuyasha and froze when I noticed we were in a forest. What happened to the shrine?

"Where are we Kagome?" I asked her as I looked around.

"Uh, well. We're in the past." Kagome said as she rubbed the back of her head nervously.

I looked at her with wide eyes.

"In the past!? What! How!?" I asked her as I felt faint, "Don't tell me I fell, and currently lying unconscious in the shrine, and just dreaming of this?"

"Ehrm, no. This is the Bone Eater Well, and we can go through it to the feudal era." Kagome said.

The Bone Eater well. The well that Mama had told me about. Was this what she wanted me to do? Go into the past? No, this had to be some sick prank that Kagome was doing. But she would never do something that mean.

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