Chapter 15

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"Was there a battle here or something?" I asked Sesshomaru as I walked next to A-Un with my hand on the hilt of my sword while we walked through a village.

It's been two days since that battle with the snake demon. Sesshomaru had taken us to a village that was mostly falling apart. Not many people, or should I say demons were around. They were hiding in the remains of broken houses, some were even charred and smoking, what seemed to be from a battle of some sort.

"Hn," Sesshomaru said looking around, "Naraku was here, but he is gone now."

"So he attacked this village?" I asked him as Sesshomaru stopped in front of a collapsed hut.

"It was his demons." an old rat like woman said, "They came here looking for Kojin. He had found a jewel shard that he wanted."

"And where is Kojin?" Sesshomaru asked the woman.

"He left before Naraku and his demons came here." she told him, "The coward."

Sesshomaru turned away from the woman and looked down at me.

"Stay here. If Naraku re-appers take A-Un and leave. Do not fight him." Sesshomaru told me and I nodded my head, "I will return by the end of the day."

"Be careful!" I called out to him as he left.

I stood next to A-Un while Jaken climbed down the two headed dragon.

"We need to keep an eye on Rin." Jaken said, "The demons here will try to eat her."

I looked at the imp and nodded my head.

"Rin stay on A-Un, okay?" I told her and and she nodded her head, "So what do we do now?"

"Excuse us! Can you help find our mommy?" two little boys with kitten ears on their heads asked me.

"Um, sure. What does she look like?" I asked the two boys.

"She's tall, with orange hair, and some yellow markings on her face." one of the boys told me.

"Lop, don't forget about her pointy ears and tail!" the other boy said.

"Kaori, I don't think it's wise to help these boys. They could be trying to trick you." Jaken said and I looked at him with a glare.

"They're just kids, Jaken!" I told him and turned to the two boys, "Where was the last time you saw her?"

"By the lake before our village was attacked. She told us to wait there, while she ran back to the village." Lop said, "Saku, and I came back this morning, and haven't seen her yet."

I looked at the two boys and then around the village. If they hadn't found the woman yet, then there's a chance she's dead. What will happen to them then?

"Erm, stay here Jaken. He'll watch over you, while I go find your mother." I told them smiling.

"What!? I am not a baby sitter!" he shouted and kicked him.

"I'll be back later." I told them and walked off.

"You stupid girl!" Jaken shouted loudly and I tossed a stone at him.

I could hear him fall to the ground and mutter stupid girl again. I ignored it that time, because I had to find that demon. I couldn't let those two boys go without a mother. So young and all alone.

I hoped she was alive and somewhere safe. I couldn't leave the two boys here all alone. Maybe Sesshomaru would let them travel with us?

"H-Help." I heard someone call out.

I stopped and looked at a collapsed hut that was smoking from a fire that had been extinguish.

"Is someone there?" I asked walking over to the hut.

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