Chapter 36

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I felt something cold and wet on my forehead as I opened my eyes slowly. What had happened?

Then I remembered. I-I am with child now. With Sesshomaru's. I am going to be a mother!

I placed my hands on my flat stomach and smiled. I could already imagine the white haired toddler running around, picking on Jaken and playing with Rin.

But I soon frowned when I remembered that Naraku was still around. My child, our child was in danger as long as that demon was still around.

"You are awake. Good." Sesshomaru said and I looked over at him as he walked into the room I was in, "You've been out for half the day."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I told him as I sat up in the bed.

"Don't be. It must have been shocking to learn that you are with child." Sesshomaru said as he sat at the edge of the bed.

"Yes, it is. It is also scary to think that life is growing inside of me now. A life that will depend upon me." I told him and he nodded his head as his eyes went to my stomach.

He placed his hand and rubbed it gently.

"I never expected that I would become pregnant so quickly. I was hoping it would happen after Naraku was defeated." I told him, "But I guess some things can't be helped. I still love this child."

"I promise you this, Naraku will be defeated before our child is born." Sesshomaru said as he removed his hand from my stomach, "I must be going back to the others."

"Just you? What about me?" I asked him frowning.

"You will stay here. Out of harms way." Sesshomaru said and I shook my head.

"No, I will not stay here, while you and the others are in danger. What if you need me? You do not have a sword!" I told him, "And who will protect Rin, Kohaku and Jaken?"

"I won't need your help, and the others can take care of themselves." Sesshomaru said.

"Rin wouldn't be able too." I told him, "She's human remember?"

"Jaken, Kohaku and A-Un will keep her safe. So do not worry about them. Stay here." he told me and I glared at him, "Think of our child. You can not fight without putting our child at risk."

I dropped my glare and looked down at my laps. Tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn't put my child at risk, but I can't just sit here and do nothing while the others were in danger.

"He is right my dear. Just stay here and let him do what he has to do." Inu Kimi said walking into the room.

"Mother, were you eavesdropping again?" Sesshomaru asked her trying to control his temper.

"Eh! I wouldn't call it eavesdropping. Just checking up on my daughter-in-law and un-born grandchild." she said waving her hand up and down.

"Hn, I will be going now." he said and glanced down at me, "I will return un-harmed with the others once Naraku is defeated."

And with that Sesshomaru left. I began to cry. Due to being emotional from being pregnant and being worried about everyone.

"It's going to be okay. He will return with the others. Don't worry." Inu Kimi told me as she comforted me, "Now it's your job to stay healthy and safe, so you can give birth to a healthy baby in eight months."

I sniffed my runny nose and nodded my head.

"Don't worry, Kaori. He's a man of his word. Now come on, you must be starving." Inu Kimi told me.

I did feel hungry and I couldn't lay around all day. Even though I didn't like what Sesshomaru has chosen to do, I'll just have accept it and do what I can do.

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