Chapter 18

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AN: Here it is the newest chapter! I apologize for not updating sooner. this chapter will follow ep. 162.

Days. It has been a few days of non-stop traveling. I had no idea on where we were going. Sesshomaru wouldn't say, no matter how many and annoying times I have asked him. He would be quiet and occasionally give me a glare.

I felt bad for A-Un. The poor dragon had to fly without taking a brake, well we had taken a break for only a night. But other than that it's been mostly flying.

I let out a sigh and shifted a bit as my bottom and back ached a bit from sitting on A-Un most of the day. I coukd hear Rin's stomach rumble with hunger. I had ran out of food in my backpack the other day.

"Sesshomaru!" I shouted catching his attention, "Rin is hungry and I have no food left for her in my pack. We need to stop."

"Hn," was his answered and loward to the ground.

A-Un followed after him. I should had told him that a long time ago, we might had been able to rest for a bit. I got off of A-Un and helped Rin down. I stretched and felt my back pop in few places. It felt good.

"Finally, land!" I said happily as I spun around in a circle.


I stopped and turned around facing Sesshomaru. I blushed seeing the amused look on his face. However the blush only lasted for a moment as I noticed Rin running by him. Curious as to where she was going I ran after her, but Sesshomaru grabbed my wrist stopping me.

"I will be leaving." he said and I nodded my head.

"Where will you be going?" I asked him and got no answer as he flew away.

I let let out a sigh and began to get some firewood forgetting about Rin. When she returned she was carrying some fish in her arms. I was surprised she had been able catch them.

"Did you catch these all by your self?" I asked her and she nodded her head.

"Yep!" she said smiling as I stacked the wood into a pile for Jaken to light it.

"Good job, Rin. We'll eat like kings!" I said smiling as I stood back from the wood, "Okay Jaken, the woods ready."

Jaken mumbling something under his breath walked over to the wood and used his staff to set it on fire. That night we are fish until we were stuffed. I fell asleep next to Rin.

When morning came I sat up quickly looking around for Rin, since I didn't sense the girl. I saw Jaken sleeping against a tree snoring loudly. I looked over at A-Un to see that he was gone. I jumped up and kicked Jaken awake.

"She's gone!" I shouted, "Sesshomaru is going to kill you if he finds out!"

"Me? You were suppose to be the one watching her!" he shouted.

I was about to shout back at him when I saw A-Un in the sky. When he landed I hugged Rin tightly.

"Rin! I was so worried!" I told her, "Where did you go?"

"I was getting breakfast." she said holding up the item she had gotten.

"Next time you decide to leave, tell either Jamen and I. We were worried and it's not safe for you to be out in the forest by yourself." I told her.

"But I had A-Un to protect me." she said and I let out a sigh pulling back from the hug.

I looked down at Rin.

"I know, but A-Un might not have been able to protect you if a strong demon attacks, so at least tell Jaken or I, okay?" I told her and she nodded her head.

For the rest of the day I had been searching for food in the forest. I had even came across a lake. I forced Rin to take a bath since she was filthy. The water had been cold, but it felt nice being clean again. When came around I was close to the fire to get warmed up.

"Say Master Jaken?" Rin began and I looked at her.

"Yes?" Jaken asked her.

"After he defeats Naraku what do you Lord Sesshomaru will do?" Rin asked him.

I was curious too. I knew we were going to get married, can't wait for that. Note the sarcasm, but other than that what was he going to do?

"You probably don't know about this, but Lord Sesshomaru has been in a long search of personal power. He will undoubtedly become the greatest demon of all time and rein over his own empire." Jaken said, "When that happens I'll become the empire chief minister."

I laughed when Jaken had bit into the hot lizard he had been cooking over the fire. But I stopped when I heard Rin's question about what position she might have when Sesshomaru has his empire.

"Ugh, you mean you in tend to follow us up until then?" he asked her and she got up on her knees and crawled over to the imp.

I smiled when she began to shake him asking if there was something wrong with her in following us till then.

"Lord Sesshomaru is strong, but who knows how long it will take to create the empire." Jaken said and I frowned, "To us demons a hundred years is nothing at all, but to a human like you, time is everything."

That's right. Rin will grow old and die, while we won't. I. Is sad to think that one day Rin won't be around.

"By the time the Lord's empire is created you'll be long gone." Jaken said with a smirk.

I shoved my foot into his face, not hearing what Rin had said.

"Don't say that like it is a good thing, you stupid toad!" I shouted at him angrilly.

"Imp! I am a imp!" he shouted.

"An imp that I am about to strangle right now!" I growled.

"Please don't, Kaori." Rin said and I looked at her, "Master Jaken was only telling the truth."

I kept quiet and glared at the imp. Rin had became sad because of what Jaken had told her. Only arguing with him would make it worse. I sat against the tree as my eyes began to grow heavy.

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