Chapter 7

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Three days have gone by since Sesshomaru had left us. During that time Jaken had told me all about the baboon man, who was actually Naraku. Why was my father making a deal with that evil demon? Even Jaken didn't know and he knew a lot of things.

"This is all your fault, you stupid human." Jaken said one day as I played with Rin's hair.

"What are you going on about now?" I asked him.

"If it wasn't for you wanting to go off into the village, we wouldn't be stuck here while Lord Sesshomaru could be in danger." Jaken said angrily.

"Kaori, I'm hungry." Rin said and I looked down at her.

We had ran out of food, due to some forest creatures snatching them from my backpack the other night. I needed to go back to the village so I could buy some more. I still had some money in the pouch that Sesshomaru had given me.

"Rin, we're going back to the village." I said standing up.

"Okay, are you going to be my mommy again?" she asked me and I nodded my head.

"Yes, remember your father died from an illness." I told her and she nodded her head.

"What are you going on about?" Jaken asked and I told him about the last time I had went to the village with Rin.

"Humans, always getting in trouble when you're alone." Jaken said shaking his head.

"We don't get into trouble when we're alone." I told him and turned around grabbing Rin's hand, "Let's go Rin."

"Oh, no you don't! I'm coming with you!" Jaken said following us.

"Stupid toad." I growled as we walked towards the village.

"I'm a stupid Imp! Not a stupid toad!" Jaken shouted, "Wait I didn't mean that!"

Rin and I laughed at that, which only caused Jaken to get angrier. By the time we got to the village, we had calmed our laughter and Jaken had calmed his anger.

After buying more food, I had a few coins left. So I decided to buy a kimono. My clothes were beginning to rip and I couldn't get any spares.

"Ah, welcome to my shop. How may I help you?" the owner of the kimono shop asked me.

"I'll need two plain kimonos, a pair of pants, and some thread with a needle. If you don't mind." I told the owner.

When the owner got two kimonos, the pants and I tried them on, we left the shop after paying for the items. One of the kimonos were a lavender color and a pale blue. The pants were just a plain brown.

"Why did you get pants?" Rin asked me as we headed for the exit of the village.

"It's a surprise." I told her.

"Hmp," Jaken said crossing his arms.

"What's with the hmp?" I asked him, but stopped when I saw Mitsuo walking in the village with his mother, "Dammit."

"Kaori? I thought you left for the Kariuki Shrine?" Mitsuo asked.

"Oh, about that." I said rubbing the back of my neck, "Our plans have been paused for the time being."

"What do you mean?" he asked, but froze when he saw Jaken, "It's a demon!"

Some of the men in the village looked at Jaken pulling out weapons. I stepped in front of the toad. He may be annoying, but I couldn't let him get killed.

"Stop! He is not a demon." I told them, "He is just a human who has a curse placed on him!"

"A curse?" Mitsuo said.

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