Chapter 22

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Getting back to the campsite where Rin, Jaken and A-Un had been while Sesshomaru, and I had been scouting the area was a bit awkward. Well to me at least. Sesshomaru was acting as if nothing had happened in the woods.

Damn bastard! How can act like that!?

"Were you attacked in the forest, Kaori?" Rin asked me after a few minutes of sitting next to her.

I quickly looked at the girl with wide eyes.

"W-What!?" I asked loudly.

"There is a small bruise on your neck." Rin said pointing a finger at me.

I quickly raised my hand up to my neck and felt the area where Sesshomaru had bit me. Did he leave a mark?

"It looks like a bite mark." Rin said.

My cheeks heated up. He gave me a damn hickey! How can I explain this to Rin? She is too young to know about such things and plus it would be awkward.

"Uh, I was attacked by a demon, but I took care of it." I told her quickly.

"Hn, you couldn't fight it off." Sesshomaru said smirking and I glared at him.

"Do you want to explain to her what had happened then?" I asked him crossing my arms.

He looked away with his smirk disappearing. I grinned in victory.

"What exactly happened, Lord Sesshomaru? Was it Naraku who had attacked?" Jaken asked.

"No, now drop it. It is none of your concerns. Only Kaori and I shall know of it." he ordered calmly.

"Y-yes, m'lord." Jaken said quickly bowing his head.

I let out a sigh and stood up after noticing we were out of water. I grabbed an empty bucket and began to make my way to the forest.

"Where do you think you are going?" Jaken asked me.

I looked at the imp and gave him a small glare.

"We're out of water. I was going to go get some, Dad." I told him.

"I am not your father, and if I was, I'd kill myself!" Jaken said and I tossed the empty bucket at him.

Jaken fell to the ground with an omf. I walked over to him and grabbed the bucket. Why did he have to be so annoying?

"I'll be back soon." I said and walked off into the forest.

While I walked, I was deep in throught about Sesshomaru and a what had happened a while ago.

He is so strange and confusing. He didn't seemed like a guy who would do things like that. I thought he'd be more like a guy who didn't care for intimacy, more like a guy who cared only for himself and his image.

Could there be more to him than he shows? Was he actually a nice guy who cared about others? He did save Rin for no reason and supposedly he didn't like humans much. Not to mention he saved that young boy. Though I think he did that mostly because I begged him too, but if I hadn't I'm sure he would have done it anyway. Right?

"Maybe he is turning into a big old softy." I said outloud.

I let out a sigh and shook my head while closing my eyes.

"Who are you talking too?" a voice behind me asked causing to jump and blush at the same time.

"Gah! Don't scare me like that! And why are you following me?" I asked Sesshomaru.

"You should not go alone." he said, "Naraku is still out here and so is your father."

"Or you want to attack me again!" I accused.

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