Chapter 25

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Following the stone has been nothing, but a wild goose chase. It's been two days since we had gotten it and two days of non-stop travelling. Well we did stop occasionally for Rin. She had to eat and use the little girls room.

"We will stop here for tonight." Sesshomaru said stopping next to a cave after we had been walking though a forest.

"What is wrong, m'Lord?" Jaken asked as he hopped off of A-Un.

"A storm is coming." Sesshomaru said looking up at the sky.

I looked up to see dark clouds heading our way. By tonight it would hit us.

"I hope it's not a bad storm." I muttered getting off of A-Un.

"Afraid of a little storm?" Jaken chuckled.

I don't have a fear of storms or anything. It's just I don't like them. They can be dangerous and un-predictable.

"No, I don't like them." I told him and stretched a bit.

I had been riding A-Un for a few hours holding Rin as she took a little nap. I was afraid that she might slip and fall off. Call me a worry wart, I don't care. Anyway all that riding had made me go sore.

"Hm?" I looked over at Sesshomaru to see him looking at me as I stretch with my arms up. I blushed when I noticed he was looking me up and down. I dropped my arms.

"I-I'll go get some firewood!" I shouted quickly and ran into the forest.

My heart was beating quickly as I stopped a few feet away. I let out a breath and leaned against a tree bending forward slightly.

"Geez, what a perv." I muttered and shook my head.

Why did I have to fall in love with him? I'm sure once he found out that I did, he would do a lot more than check me out and far lot more than what he did back in the forest.

"I am not." Speak of the demon and he shall appear.

I stood up straight quickly and looked up to see him standing in front of me. I bit the inside of my cheek as I fought back a blush. Dammit, Kaori. Get a hold of yourself! Just act like you don't even like him! But if you had been in my drama class, you'd know I couldn't act.

"You we-were checking me." I told him as I lost the fight of holding back my blush.

"You are to be my wife. I shall 'check you out' and do whatever I want." he said took a step forward.

I held my breath when he reached his hand out towards my face. His fingers touched my hair and ran through it a bit. I exhaled, when I couldn't hold my breath any longer.

"Your hair is so soft." he said in a whisper as he let them go.

His hand then went to my cheek. It just laid there as he stared at my face. I bit my bottom lip as I stared into his eyes. My heart was beating loudly in my chest. I'm sure he could hear it.

"You shouldn't do that." he said and quickly pinned me to the tree.

I let out a gasp at the sudden the action. My eyes went wide when his lips connected with mine. It was like he was a hungry animal that had found a feast. I felt his arm wrap around my back and pull me to him. I laid my hands on his chest.

I felt this feeling in my heart as we stood their. I began to kiss him back. I probably didn't do a goiod job, because I was in-experienced dealing with men, like Kagura had mentioned. But I think Sesshomaru did not care as he deepened the kiss. When my head began to feel fuzzy, Sesshomaru stopped and leant his forehead on mine.

"You kissed back." he muttered.

I kept quiet. He looked at me and I blushed even redder, if possible.

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