Chapter 11

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After a three days of traveling, we had finally reached where Jaken, Rin and A-Un had been staying. They were safe and sound. I was happy and hugged a surprised Rin.

"Lord Sesshomaru you have returned!" Jaken cried out and ran to Sesshomaru who stepped on the imp, "Why? Lord Sesshomaru!"

I rolled my eyes and let go of the child.

"Quit whining, Jaken. It's only been a few days." I told the imp, who turned around angry.

"Shut it you stupid huma- You're not a human anymore." Jaken said.

"Yes, we have retrieved my youki." I told him.

"Really!?" Rin asked excitedly and I nodded looking down at the little girl.

"Mm-hm." I said and then glared at the imp, when he asked why I was still with them then.

"Because I said so." Sesshomaru said as he pulled out his sword, "Draw your sword, Kaori. We will train now."

I blinked before grabbing my mother's sword. We just got back though?

~A month later~

"Again!" Sesshomaru shouted at me for the hundredth time as I swung my mother's sword at him.

He quickly dodged it and I let out a growl as I jumped at him.

It has been a month since I had gotten my youki back. Nothing strange or eventful has been going on. Except for the parts where I find new abilities that I'm able to do. Poisonous claws, very good sense of smell, agility, speed and I can now sense when a demon is close by.

"You let your anger get to you." he said and knocked me down to the ground with his sword at my throat, "If we were really fighting, you would be dead in seconds. Keep your emotions out of battle."

"S-Sorry." I muttered sitting up, "It's just we've been training for a month now, and I'm still not good."

I stood up and dusted myself off.

"I'm hungry." Rin said all of a sudden as she sat on A-Un with Jaken next to her.

"Jaken get a fire ready." I told the imp as I walked over to a stream.

"Why do I have to do it?" he muttered and I glared at him.

"Please." I said and bent down.

I tried to snatch a fish, but failed the first ten times. On the eleventh try I finally caught one. I walked over to the fire and placed the fish onto a stick and handed it to Rin.

"Thank you, Kaori!" she said smiling wide.

"You're welcome." I told her smiling also.

"Kaori," Sesshomaru said and I looked over at him.

I let out a sigh. He doesn't know when to take a break. We've been training for days hardly taking a break.

"Can't we take a break?" I asked him.

"No, if you want to get better at fighting, you won't take breaks." he said and I nodded my head grabbing Mama's sword.

I tightened my grip around it and jumped at Sesshomaru. Our swords connected and I kicked him in the side making him jump back. I took that as a chance to throw a dagger at him that I kept hidden in my kimono top.

Sesshomaru caught it and tossed the dagger back at me. It hit me in the shoulder and I let out a hiss of pain tossing the dagger to the ground, as I ran at him. I punched at him and he caught it, tossing me to the ground. He jumped up and landed in front of me placing his sword to my back.

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