Chapter 27

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"Dammit!" I shouted as I ran through a forest.

"Get her or he will have our head!" One of the demons chasing me shouted.

It's been two weeks since Sesshomaru and I confessed our feelings. Life had went on as if we hadn't, except for a few things. Sesshomaru and I have been interacting more lately. Nothing nasty for those who minds are in the gutter!

As for the search for Naraku, we have gotten so close, but everytime we get close he is gone. It's frustrating that he is so close, yet so far away. Though Naraku isn't afraid of sending demons to retrieve me.

That is what happening right now. I had gone off alone to find Kagome, because I had heard she was in a village close by. While on my way back from the village I ran into four demons. I had defeated two, but one of them had gotten me on my side.

Shouting for Sesshomaru would be useless. He wasn't at the camp we had made, he had went off to do whatever he did, but this time he took A-Un so he would be gone for more than a day.

"Xuzu, grab her!" the demon shouted loudly.

I glanced behind me and jumped out of the demons reach. I clenched my teeth as my side hurt a bit. I could feel the wettness of my blood that seeped through my clothes.

"Oooh! She's bleeding! It'll be easier to follow her scent now!" Xuzu said grinng as the two chased me.

"Damn." I growled I ran through a bush.

I couldn't lose them and I couldn't go back to camp with them following me. Rin and Jaken would be in danger. I was worried mostly about Rin's safety than Jaken's.

I stopped running when I had reached a river. The water was high from a night of rain and the current looked strong. I wasn't able to jump across it due to the width of it and my hurt side.

I looked at the two demons who were chuckling seeing that I was trapped like a rat. I turned back to the river and let out a sigh. I couldn't let myself get captured and taken to Naraku. I couldn't get married to that demon, I wanted to marry Sesshomaru, even though I was no where near ready for something like that.

After all it hasn't been long since I figured out my feelings for him.

"No where to run, girl." the demon laughed.

"You should think outside of the box sometimes." I told him and closed my eyes.

I jumped into the river and let the current take me. I had a better chance of living than fighting them. I swam to the top and breathed in the fresh air, but it didn't last long as I was dragged under.

I tried to fight the current now that I was away from those demons, but it was much stronger than I had thought it would have been. I was beginning to feel light headed as I swam to the top again.

I saw someone walking by the river. I shouted for help and was brought under water again. Black dots began to cover my vision as I began to pass out from the lack of air. Last thing I remember was a strong arm wrapping around me.

I let out a gasp and began to cough up the water that had gotten into my lungs. I sat up breathing heavily. I flinched and let out a hiss as my side stung.

"Thank goodness you are alive." myfather spoke and I froze with wide eyes.

Oh no. I couldn't be here with him! Naraku will find us! I pushed myself up from the ground and stumbled a bit, before my father had stopped me.

"You must not get up. You are hurt." he said steadying me.

"I can't be here. Naraku is watching you, which means he'll get me." I said trying to push his hand off of me.

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