Chapter 35

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I do not own Inuyasha, only my oc(s)!

This chapter will be after episode 13 of the final act. I apologize for the wait! I have had a bit of writers block for this chapter. I finally got passed it and I've been watching Attack on Titan, so that was also another reason why I haven't been able to write. Again I apologize for it.

After the battle against Shishinki, Sesshomaru has been awfully quiet. It worried me what he must be thinking. Especially now that he has gone somewhere without informing us.

I let out a sigh as Kohaku and Rin began to make a small fire pit.

"I'm going to find some dinner." I told them standing up.

"Becareful out there, Kaori." Rin said as she placed a piece of wood down.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Kohaku asked me and I shook my head.

"Thanks for the offer, Kohaku, but I can do it. Just watch over Rin for me." I told him and walked off into the forest.

I jumped through the trees searching for some fruit or nuts that might be up in them. However I had no luck.

After awhile I gave up and sat on a branch. I listened closely for any sign of some rabbits running around. I heard some running close by and took off after them, but as I was about to get them.

I sensed an evil presence near by. I looked around to find nothing. Suddenly there was a loud crashing sound and Rin screaming.

"Rin!" I shouted and started running back to where I had left them, but they were gone.

I muttered a curse as I smelled Naraku scent in the air. He was here and now Rin, Kohaku, Jaken or A-Un no where to be found.

"I hope they got away." I said to myself as I followed their scents.

As I followed thir scents, I noticed the plant life around me were brown and dead. It must be from Naraku's poison. Why was he after Rin and Kohaku? Did it have something to do with Sesshomaru? Or was he after Kohaku's jewel shard?

"Inuyasha! Hurry!" I heard Kagome shout a head of me.

I ran faster and was soon caught up with Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku and Shippo. Sango and Kirara must had went ahead.

"Uh! Kaori, what are you doing here?" Kagome shouted once she spotted me.

"Trying to find Rin and Kohaku." I told her, "What about you?"

"There's no time for casual talk!" Inuyasha snapped at me.

"Shut up." Kagome told him, "Naraku is after Kohaku's jewel shard. Sango is with them trying to stop him."

I nodded my head and was quiet the rest of the way. Once we got their I was shocked how Sango was able to slice Naraku in half with her weapon.

When the weapon came back around, it sliced Naraku again. Was this the end of him? I hoped so as Inuyasha attacked him with Tesseiga. However Naraku was able to escape.

"Dammit! He got away." Inuyasha growled angrily as we watched Naraku fly away.

Seeing him gone now I walked over to Rin and an unconcious Kohaku. I got onto my knees next to Rin as she shook him.

"Kohaku?" I said as he wasn't waking.

What was wrong with him?

"It's his jewel shard." Kagome said, "It must be defiled. We need to purify it."

"Are you able to purify it?" I asked her.

"Yeah." she said walking over to him.

I helped her sit him up and moved Rin out of the way. We sat watching Kagome purify the shard and soon Kohaku was able to move.

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