Chapter 8

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I followed Sesshomaru through the forest until we reached a small clearing close to a small pond. I played with the sleeve of my kimono as I stared at him nervously.

"I did not find your father at the cave." Sesshomaru said, "I did however followed his scent and found him in a village."

Did he speak with my father? Does he know what deal he made with Naraku? Did he even tell him I was alive and looking for him? So many questions ran through my mind.

"Did you speak with him?" I asked Sesshomaru and he nodded his head.

"Yes, he noticed my scent. We spoke about my father, and then he asked if I had seen you or your mother. I lied telling him I didn't." Sesshomaru said and my eyes went wide.

He lied to my father!? Why?

"W-Why?" I asked him.

"He is being used by Naraku." Sesshomaru said, "It is dangerous for you to be around him in your human state."

"And why do you care what happens to me? I'm just some girl who you owe a debt too." I asked him feeling my blood begin to boil with anger.

"You are a inu-youkai. We protect our own." Sesshomaru said.

"What about your brother? He's part inu-youkai." I told him.

"He is nothing, but a half-breed. A disgrace to our kind." Sesshomaru said, "We are leaving."

With that said Sesshomaru walked back to camp. I followed him wondering about my father and what plans Naraku had for him.

"What does Naraku want with my father?" I asked Sesshomaru as we walked.

"I do not know, but your father has made a deal with him." Sesshomaru said.

"Do you know what the deal is?" I asked looking up at him.

"If Naraku can find you and your mother, he will hand you over as his bride." Sesshomaru said and I paled.

Was my father that desperate to find Mama and I? To make a deal with that evil demon to hand me off as his bride.

"I-I don't want to become his bride." I said raising my hand to my chest, "I just want to complete my mother's final wish. Find my youki and father."

Tears came to my eyes as I thought about it. I would rather die than marry that monster. I heard many tales of his evil ways. From Jaken, and a few villagers in the village. My eye sight became blurry and I couldn't really see the path in front of me. I tripped over a rock that was in the path and began to fall, until I felt a hand grab my wrist before I could reach the ground.

"T-Thank you." I said holding in a sob.

"Do not cry, Kaori." Sesshomaru said and I looked up at him.

It was the second time he said my name. I blinked the tears away and nodded my head as I straightened myself up. When Sesshomaru let go of my wrist we continued.

"I don't know what to do, Sesshomaru." I said looking down at the ground, "I want to find my father and youki, so I can become what I truly am and follow my mother wish. But is it the best thing to do? That Naraku guy is looking for me now, and that means trouble for you, Rin and Jaken. I don't want you all to get hurt because of me. I should just go back to my own time."

"Do not worry about Naraku, he will not lay a hand on you." Sesshomaru said, "This Sesshomaru promises you."

I looked at Sesshomaru shocked by what he had said. He takes the whole protect our own, serious, but I am grateful for what he is doing.

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