Chapter 31

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I do not own Inuyasha, just my oc(s)!

AN: Small warning that this chapter may contain small and not very detailed sexual content. If you aren't the age of 18 or older and find that sort of stuff uncomfortable then skip after the wedding is done and also I apologize for making the wedding western style as when I was writing this chapter years ago, I was not educated at the time that there was a different procedure. I plan to learn about Japanese wedding ceremonies and redo this chapter later on.


When morning came I was awoken by Sesshomaru's mother and some servants. I was dragged from the bed and taken away to get ready. Everything went by quickly and the next thing I knew the wedding was about to start.

"Kaori, you look beautiful." Father said walking into the room I was put in.

"Thank you." I blushed.

"I wished your mother was here to see this. We had dreamt about this day before you were even born." he said.

"She is here, Father." I told him, "She is in our hearts and watching us from heaven."

"Yes, she is." he nodded with a sad smile, "I hope you and Sesshomaru will have a happy, and wonderful life together."

"I do too." I told him and the door opened.

"Kashikoi, you are suppose to be greeting guests!" Inu Kimi said as she walked over to us.

Guests! They were going to be people here! My nervousness kicked in again. The two arguing demons picked up on it and looked at me.

"There's going to be people here?" I asked them and Inu Kimi nodded her head.

"Of course there are going to be people. All the nobles and such." Inu Kimi told me, "Oh, how good it feels that I can finally rub it in those noble women faces that my stubborn son is getting married! Once you have children, it would be even wonderful!"

"That won't happen for a while. I don't think I'm ready to raise children yet." I told her.

"You don't have too. That's what nannies are for." she said and looked at my father, "Go and greet the guests."

My father gave Inu Kimi a glare and walked out of the room.

"Finally we are alone." she sighed, "Kaori, I know we haven't known each other for long and I can tell you don't really like me. Though I can't imagine why?"

I frowned and gave her a small glare. She threw Rin and Kohaku into the Underworld! Of course I wouldn't like her! I don't see how Sesshomaru could stand her when he was growing up.

"Anyway, I just want you to know that I am glad my son is finally able to marry you." she said and then looked to the closed door when a knock came.

"M'lady, the ceremony is about to start." a servant spoke.

"Ah, yes. Come Kaori, we must not be late!" Inu Kimi said and dragged me out of the room.

We stopped in front of a set of giant doors. Inu Kimi turned to me and fixed my hair that had been put up in a bun with flowers, jeweled pins and other accessories.

"Don't fall while you are walking down the aisle. Remember to smile and don't be nervous." she told me before walking into the room.

I took a deep breath and exhaled as I stood at the door. Being alone there just moments before I say I do and become Sesshomaru's wife was killing me. Music began to play and I gulped. The doors opened and everyone was watching me.

Remember to smile. The words came to my mind. I smiled and began to walk down the aisle. I saw my father who had tears running down his cheeks with Rin, Kohaku and Jaken next to him.

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