Chapter 6

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A few days have went by and we have been traveling none stop. Jaken and I got into arguments everyday over little things. It was actually fun to pick on the little imp. Occasionally Sesshomaru would stop our arguments, by either punching, kicking, throwing a stone at Jaken or telling me to be quiet.

I'm surprised he hasn't done things like that to me though. Why was I treated differently than the imp? Maybe it's because I'm human and could easily get hurt by him, or it would hurt Rin's feeling if he were to hurt me.

Everyday, the child and I got closer. We were like sisters, always together, laughing and joking. I even taught her a new game, A hundred bottles of beer on the wall. It annoyed Jaken when we would sing it while traveling So it was a win win. It entertained Rin and annoyed Jaken.

"Stop." Sesshomaru said and I noticed he placed his arm on the hilt of his sword.

I stopped walking and pulled Rin behind me, while Jaken stood next to me with a grip on his staff.

"I can smell her." I heard Inuyasha say loudly, "But I can also smell that bastard, Sesshomaru."

"Oh no! Do you think he's going to kill her?" I heard Kagome shout.

So they were looking for me. I smiled glad that they didn't forget me, but also guilty for wasting their time. I was perfectly safe here with Sesshomaru and the others, and he was helping me retrieve my youki, so that means they could go finds those shards and find that one guy, Naraku.

"I don't know." I heard Inuyasha say as he jumped out of a tree to the ground a few feet from us.

"Kagome!" I said happy to see my friend and took a few steps forward, but stopped when Sesshomaru held his sword in front of me.

"Kaori!" Kagome shouted.

"Human, stay." he said and I couldn't help, but feel like he was treating me like a dog.

"Hey! Let the girl go!" Inuyasha shouted at Sesshomaru.

"Shut it, half-breed." Sesshomaru said turning his attention to Inuyasha.

"What'd you say!?" Inuyasha shouted at him angrily raising a fist at him.

"You heard me." Sesshomaru told him calmly.

"I thought you didn't even like humans." Inuyasha growled.

"She is not a human." Sesshomaru said and I looked at him. But he calls me human all the time! Grrr, make up your mind! "Now enough talk little brother."

I let out a sigh and walked back over to Rin and Jaken as the two began to battle.

"Is this normal?" I asked Jaken as Sesshomaru swung his sword at Inuyasha, who blocked it with his own, "For them to fight?"

"Yes, though they are never able to kill each other." Jaken said nodding his head, "No matter how hard Lord Sesshomaru's tries, Inuyasha always manages to survive."

"Mm," I said nodding my head and I noticed something in the sky.

Was that Kirara? As it got closer, I now saw that it was in fact Kirara, with Sango and Miroku on her back. But what were they doing here?

"Kirara?" I said and before I knew it I was lifted into the sky by Miroku.

"Gah! Don't let go!" I shouted at the monk as I latched onto his arm, while hanging in the sky.

"Hey! Hold still!" Miroku said as he tried to lift me up on Kirara.

"Miroku, hurry." Sango shouted and I noticed we were flying away from the battle.

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