Chapter 12

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Sesshomaru and I jumped out from behind the bushes to see Rin laying unconscious with Jaken in front of her with his staff raised at them protecting the girl.

"Get back! You have no idea who you are messing with!" Jaken shouted at the squirrel demons that were trying to get to Rin.

"Give us the human demon! Our master is hungry!" one of the squirrels shouted.

"Who is your master?" Sesshomaru asked walking over to the small demons.

They turned quickly to us looking both scared and angry.

"Master Sesshomaru! You came for me!" Jaken cried.

"And Rin." I told him as I was about to make my way over to the imp, but Sesshomaru stopped me.

"Why should we tell you?" one of them asked.

"Don't you know who you are speaking to?" Jaken shouted at them.

"No, and we don't care." they told him and stomping could be heard.

I looked behind Jaken to see something move through the forest. I jumped quickly to where Rin and Jaken as. I grabbed around my waist by a giant furry hand. It raised me up into the air and squeezed me tightly.

"Who dares disturb my meal?" a growl came from the beast that held me.

"Let me go!" I growled at him.

"Hmp, a weak demon like you shouldn't be making demands." he growled and squeezed me again.

I let out a gasp and bit into his hand. The demon let out a roar and tossed me to the ground. I rolled over and pushed myself up. I looked over at Sesshomaru to see him fighting off many of the squirrel demons trying to get Rin.

"How about we trade spots?" I asked Sesshomaru pulling out my sword quickly blocking one of the demons attack.

"No, you're training." he said and I let out a growl jumping away from another of his attacks.

"Bastard." I shouted at him and was hit by the demon.

I flew into a tree and fell onto my bottom. I let out a groan as my vision began to blur. I must not fall into unconsciousness, I have to keep Rin safe. I have too.

I pushed myself up and shook my head. I looked over at the squirrel demon, who was making his way over to Sesshomaru and Rin. I knew Sesshomaru could easily defeat this demon, but he said I was training, so that meant I had to defeat this demon, not him.

"Hey! I'm not done with you!" I shouted at the demon as I picked up my sword.

"Hehehe, I wouldn't mind eating a demon like you." he chuckled looking over at me, "After I'm finish with you, I can eat the girl and those other two demons."

I tightened my grip on the sword and jumped at the demon with my sword raised high.

"Battle crusher!" I shouted bringing my sword down to his head.

Before my sword could reach his head, he had caught it with both of his hands and tossed me to the ground. I let out a small gasp as my breath was knocked out of me. The demon made his way over to me, and I was about to get up, when he grabbed me.

"No, no, no." he said, "I'm tired of playing."

He opened his mouth and raised me up to his mouth. I could smell his stinky breath as I was inches from his mouth. But I was soon falling to the ground with his hand still holding me. As I fell I could Sesshomaru quickly defeating the squirrel demon.

The Lost Dog DemonWhere stories live. Discover now