Chapter 24

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Sesshomaru returned with not only Jaken and Rin, but the mysterious woman, Kagura. She was unconcious, and half dressed. I looked away from her as Sesshomaru turned away from her. At least he wasn't a pervert.

"I thought you weren't going to save her." I spoke as I dried Rin off.

He kept quiet. I frowned and let out a sigh.

"So who is she?" I asked Jaken who was now drying off next to us.

"That is Kagura. She is one of Naraku's minions..." Jaken began.

"She's working for Naraku!?" I shouted and grabbed my sword from my side.

I was about to attack her, but Sesshomaru was quick and grabbed me from behind. His grip on my wrist was tight forcing me to drop my sword.

"Are you insane!? She'll tell him where we are!" I told him.

"Has anyone told you that you are loud." The woman, Kagura said sitting up.

I glared at her.

"I won't tell Naraku." she said, "I know how to defeat Naraku."

Sesshomaru let go of me and walked over to her. I let out an annoyed sigh and walked over to A-Un. I sat on him as Kagura spoke about this little green stone would light up if it was close to Naraku's heart. Which was the only way to defeat him. Find the heart and destroy it.

"So that's your missing bride." Kagura said all of a sudden looking at me, "I'd thought she'd look more prettier."

I bit the inside of my cheek in anger and glared at her. How dare she say that!? I half expected Sesshomaru to say something to her about that like the other times when someone had, but he didn't.

"Maybe after all of this is done and I can be your bride instead of her." she smirked and I felt a burning feeling in my chest at the thought of him marrying her, "She looks in-experince with men. I'm sure you would want someone more experienced."

My anger grew at her words. She wasn't the one to marry Sesshomaru, I was! If he had wanted to marry her than he would had called off the engagment a long time ago! But he didn't so she was just wasting her time and breath for trying.

"Enough Kagura." Sesshomaru said, "Leave now."

"I can help you! We can destory him together." she said.

"I do not need your help." Sesshomaru said.

"Fine." she said and flew away on a giant feather.

With her now gone we continued walking on. I couldn't get over the weird feeling I felt back there. And that thought. Sesshomaru can call the engagement off at anytime. Plus I didn't want to marry him! Didn't I?

I know we have gotten a little closer. Especially him, because he was starting to show his other side. Like that time in the forest, not to mention he got those healing herbs for me. That was really sweet of him to do that. I blushed and shook my head.

"Mm." I muttered closing my eyes for a moment.

All this thinking is driving me insane! Not to mention that Kagura woman! Why would she say that to Sesshomaru anyway!? He would never marry someone who would work for Naraku! Or somone like her!

I accidently let out a growl at the thought of her. Sesshomaru glanced at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Is something the matter?" Sesshomaru asked me.

"That woman. S-Can we trust her? I mean she works for Naraku." I told him.

"I do not know. We will see." he said and I frowned.

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