Chapter 10: Scary Spray

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Your POV

I watch the musuem blow to bits. Megamind flies into the air and pounds the ground with a hard fall. He gets up and looks at me.

"You were SO close to killing Roxanne." He glared.

"Wasn't that the plan?"

"NO!" He yelled, "I didn't wangt to kill her! I just wanted to blow up the museum!"

"Awww that makes it less fun." I complained.

"Spray what's happened to you?" Megamind asked, "You're becoming more harsh and evil by the second."

My (e/c) eyes turned firey red, "Isn't that what you wanted?"

He slightly jumps at my reply, realizing it was more like a snap.

"But not to the point where you scrae ME." He answered.

"I scare EVERYONE in Metro City." I said skating away.

Megamind's POV

Spray skates away leaving me speechless. Something has changed in her to make her act this way. And I need to find out how she became evil in the first place. I start heading to the library for answers. When I arrive, the librarian runs away in fear.

I roll my eyes and go on the computer. Thanks to Minion, I learned how to hack into files of any kind. I hack into the school files.

"Wait a minute. . .I don't even know her real name. How can I figure this out?"

I scratch my chin and think, "I'll just have to go through every student in teh school." 

I clicked on the first student. There was a picture of the student.That makes it easier.

Your POV

I arrive in the lair and am greeted by the brain bots.

"How was the bombing?" Minion asked walking in.

"A success." I replied emotionlessly.

Minion gives me a curious look, "Everything okay?"

"Fine." I replied, "Never been better."

My eyes were turning red again. I could feel the evil running through my veins. I go into my room and lock the door.

Minion knocked, "Spray are you sure you're alright?"

I graoned from the evil taking over, "Yes I'm fine."

Megamind's POV

My eyes were getting droopy from staring at this computer screen for 2 hours. None of the kids were her. I decided to give up. I head home from the library. As I enter the lair, I think of an idea. 

I remember seeing those school files that were in Spray's room. If I can grab them and just read what's on them, figure out what her name is, and put it back, I'll be good. I walk over to Minion.

"Minon." I whispered, "Is Spray asleep?"

"I don't know sir." He whispered back, "She came to the lair more harsh than usual and locked herself in her room."

"Locked?" I groaned.

I whistled and a brain bot came to me.

"Quietly unlock Spray's door." I told him.

He flew to her door and slowly unlocked it. I slowly pushed the door open and saw a bright light. But it was no light.

. . .It was fire.

A trash can that was lit on fire with the school files in it. Spray stood in front of it evilly siling down at the burning files with red glowling eyes. I watched as my only piece of evidence burned slowly in the fire. Spray looked up at me, still smiling evilly with red eyes. I shut the door quickly and gasped.

"Oh my god." I said holding my head, "That was the scariest thing I've ever seen."

"What sir?" Minion asked.

"The files! She burned them! Got rid of them for good! Now I'll never know what her real name is!!" I answered shaking his shoulders, "Her eyes were glowing red and she was evilly smiling at them. She looked up at me and I wanted to scream like a little girl!"

"Maybe you need some rest." Minion said.

"After seeing that, it's probably the best idea to do that. Goodnight Minion." I said and walked to my bedroom.

We all have a reason to be evil (Megamind x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now