Chapter 22: Time Together

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Your POV

I woke up in my bed again. Strange. I thought I blacked out in front of like 10 TVs. Wait, don't think. That's what made me black out. It's what Minion said. I stood up and quickly grabbed the bed frame.

I walked to the living room and saw Megamind and Minion watching tv.

"Hello?" I spoke.

They turned their head towards me and immediately jumped up. Megamind ran to me and hugged me.

"You're alright." He said.

"Are you feeling okay?" Minion asked.

"I think so-wait no-yeah i am." I nervously laughed.

"Do you need anything? It's 7pm." Megamind told me.

"Ummm chicken nuggets!!"

They laughed at me.

"Anything else?"


"I'll call Roxanne and ask her to go by McDonald's." Megamind laughed as he pressed buttons on a tiny thing.

"Can we watch Aladdin?"

"Of course! That's always a good movie!" Minion smiled.

I grabbed a blanket and jumped on the couch. I wrapped myself in the blanket. Megamind sat next to me and tickled my toes.

"No not the toe tickling monster!" I laughed.

"Oh yes the toe tickling monster! I have you!!" He laughed.

"No!" I laughed, "leave my toes alone!"

"Never!" He replied.

I laughed so hard I probably peed a bit.

"I have a happy meal!" Roxanne yelled from the kitchen.

"FOOD!!" I yelled.

I ran to Roxanne and she handed me a plate with my chicken nuggets, fries, (favorite dipping sauce), and (f/d).

"Yay! Thank you Roxanne!" I smiled.

I walked back over to the couch and sat down. I began to eat my food and watch the movie. After that, Megamind brought me into a giant room.

"What's this place?"

"It's my-well was my laboratory." He answered, "where you, Minion, and I worked on our plans."

"We worked together?"

"Yeah! You may not remember but that's okay! It will come to you eventually." He answered.

Some sort of flying bot came towards me. I grabbed ahold of Megamind in fright.

"It's okay, (y/n). It's one of my brain bots. He won't hurt you."

The brain bot dropped a tool in front of me and I picked it up. I looked at it with confusion.

"He likes to play fetch with the wrench." Megamind told me.

"Oh. Go get it!" I said throwing the wrench thingy in a direction.

The bot followed to go find it. Megamind then held up a giant wooden thing.

"What's that?"

"It's your guitar." He answered.


"You've had it for awhile you just don't remember. Maybe you could play it." He said.

I held the guitar and looked at it. What song did I know?

7 year old (y/n) was home alone and held up her guitar and began to play....

Without realizing my actions, my fingers began to play the guitar.

"There's a place
That I know
It's not pretty there
And a few have ever gone
  If I show it to you now
  Will it make you run away?
  Or will you stay?
  Even if it hurts
  Even if I try to push you out will you return?
  And remind me who I really am?
  Please remind me of who I am
  Everybody's got a dark side
  Do you love me?
  Can you love mine?
  Nobody's a picture perfect
  But we're worth it
  You know that we're worth it
  Will you love me?
  Even with my dark side?
  Like a diamond
  From black dust
  It's hard to know what can become
  If you give up
  So don't give up on me
  Please remind me who I really am
  Everybody's got a dark side
  Do you love me?
  Can you love mine?
  Nobody's a picture perfect
  But we're worth it
  You know that we're worth it
  Will you love me?
  Even with my dark side?
  Don't run away(2x)
  Just tell me that you will stay
  Promise me you will stay
  Don't run away(2x)
  Just promise me you will stay
  Promise me you will stay
  Everybody's got a dark side
  Will you love me?
  Can you love mine?
  Nobody's a picture perfect
  But we're worth it
  You know that we're worth it
  Will you love me?
  Even with my dark side?
  Don't run away(2x)
  Don't run away
  Promise you'll stay"

I looked up at Megamind to see his face amazed at me.

"How did you remember all of that?" He asked.

"Just came to my mind I guess."

"Well (y/n) I'm staying and not running away." He replied.

We all have a reason to be evil (Megamind x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now