Chapter 15: Spray's Warning

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Megamind's POV

I opened the door to my lair with sad eyes.

"Okay Minion! You were right! I was.....less right! We should go back to what we're good at. Being bad. Minion?"

I didn't hear a sound.

"Spray?" I asked.

"Have fun with your date." She spat and walked out, slamming the door behind her.

"Spray tried to kill me....her evilness has gotten worse."

My eyes narrowed and he whistled loudly. My brain bots flew over to him.

"You there! Yes you! Bring out....the Black Mumba."

The brain bots unlocked the black Mumba and placed it on Me. They uncovered the huge machine that I could control. I got in the machine and walked out into the city. Everyone started running in panic.

"Where is Spray? The one who brings fear into this city!" I announced.

Nobody listened to me and still ran in panic. I shrugged and looked around. She was nowhere in sight.

Spray's POV

I was in an alley spray painting the wall. Suddenly, I felt the ground rumble.

"There you are!" Megamind yelled peeking out from beside the building in his machine.

"Go away Megamind!" I snarled as she stepped back from MY art, "Don't come near me."

"Trying to kill Roxanne was too far!" He told me, "what were you thinking?!?"

He looked at the wall and saw my painting. He looked quite confused and turned to look at me. My eyes were bright red.

"Leave." I growled.

"Not after what you did to Roxanne I won't." Megamind growled back.

"Even with a big head like yours, you're STILL stupid enough to believe you have a chance with her! Don't you see? SHE WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!" I yelled, "Minion and I told you! But you didn't listen!"

"That doesn't give you a reason to attack her and try to kill her!"

"Leave Megamind before things get ugly." I warned him.

He stepped closer with his machine and i felt an overpowering strength build up in me. I pushed his machine into a building. It smashed into the building and Megamind got up.

"Spray you need to stop!" Megamind yelled.

"Nothing can stop me!" I replied, "leave now while you're still alive!"


I then flew into the air, picked up his machine, and tossed him across the city. I breathed heavily and lowered back to the ground.y eyes faded back to (e/c) and i looked around.

"" I sobbed, falling to her knees.

"I can't stop this....I'm almost gone." I cried, "I'm losing."

We all have a reason to be evil (Megamind x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now