Chapter 12: Story of Spray Part 2

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Megamind's POV

The room was dark and dusty. The only light was from the windows. We sat on the couch and Roxanne pulled out the files.

"I know a lot more about Spray Demon than anyone else in the city." She said.

"What all do you know?" I asked.

"I know her whole back story." She answered.

"Spray was 7 years with her abusive parents. Nobody knew what she was going through. Nobody bothered to ask at school. The only food she got was on the streets. From unfinished nachos and half eaten hot dogs. She fended for herself all her life. Her parents treated her like she was a mistrusted stranger. Her father bashed her head against the wall...."

I could picture that image in my head and it haunted me.

"She went to bed with more bruises than she woke up with. One night while she was sleeping, something clicked her mind. Her eyes turned from (e/c) to bright red. She grabbed the biggest and sharpest knife in the kitchen. She walked to her parents' bedroom and stared down at them. She waited for them to wake up and notice her. But it didn't happen. She stabbed them with the knife in her hand and sliced them open. Their blood splattered onto the walls and their screams were loud and quick."

We walked into a bedroom with blood all over the walls. My jaw dropped.

"She was only 7 when she....*gulp* killed them?" I asked.

"Yeah." Roxanne replied, "that's why she hates heroes. Because no hero saved her from this nightmare. She saved herself and became her own nightmare. That's why she is the way she is."

"What's her real name?" I asked, "surely she was someone else before Spray Demon."

"She did have a name before she named herself Spray. It was....(y/n) (l/n)." Roxanne answered, "she got Spray Demon from what she does in the city. She spray paints her pain away."

"Who knew she would've gone through that." I replied.

"Yeah well....darkness lies in us somewhere. (Y/n) just can't seem to find the light." Roxanne said.

"Yeah. Thank you for telling me, Roxanne."

"Anything for you Bernard." She replied.

I started to head my way back to the lair. I walked in the lair and turned normal. I punched the wall and groaned.

"I let in a murderer into my team."

We all have a reason to be evil (Megamind x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now