Chapter 19: the mind of a child

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Megamind's POV

It has now been a week since Venom returned to the underworld and (y/n) was still unconscious. I didn't know whether to be happy that she's getting rest or scared that she'll never wake up.

What if Spray was a completely different person before Venom left?
What if she never remembers me?
Will she freak out if she sees me?

So many dangerous questions were running through my head. But all I could do was wait.

Your POV

I held a knife in my hands with Venom standing next to me.

"They will never hurt you as long as you finish it." She told me.

"But it's wrong." I replied, "I'll go to jail for this."

"Remember what they do to you everyday? They aren't going to jail for it. They deserve what's coming to them."

I looked at the knife, "I-I can't."

"Fine I'll do it then." Venom replied.

She entered my body and I felt my blood run cold. She completely took over my body and the incident happened.....

I woke up with a small gasp. I looked around and had no idea where I was. I pulled the covers over me to hide from anyone who would come up to me. I heard footsteps coming towards me. I was hesitant to look.

I finally lowered the covers slowly to see a blue man. I have a feeling that I know him. Come on (y/n) think.....

I started to remember how we met and how I was in his team. I remembered him choosing a girl over me and.....


He looked up and his eyes sparkled with joy to see me awake.

"(Y/n)! You're awake!" He smiled.

He started walking towards me but I held onto the covers tightly. He immediately stopped.

"What's wrong???" He asked.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Sorry for what?" He asked very confused.

"I'm sorry for what I've become." I answered with tears burning my eyes.

I hid my face and I felt his hands cup my cheeks and lifted my head up go face him. He wiped my tears.

"What Venom did to you was never your fault. I know that it wasn't you when she was trying to succeed with her plans. But she's gone now and you are free." He told me.

Without thinking, I hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I don't exactly remember how long he's known me, but I knew he cared.

"Minion come here and take a few test on (y/n) to see if she's alright." Megamind said to someone.

A fish in a gorilla robot suit walked in and I felt a bit scared. I gently squeezed Megamind's hand.

"It's alright (y/n) its only Minion." He said.

This thing named Minion took a sample of my blood, checked my temp, asked how I was feeling, checked my eyes and ears, and took a CAT scan. After the test results came in, he looked at me.

"You have temporary amnesia. Bits and pieces of your memories are slowly coming back one at a time. Do not think too hard to force yourself to remember something because you could hurt yourself. For the next couple days you should stay in bed. Your blood sugar is low from lack of food and water so Megamind and I will get you anything you need. Other than those things, you should be fine." He explained.

I have to admit, that was a lot of information to take in. But I guess I needed to know.

"Is there anything you need?" Megamind asked.

"Could I have some toast and eggs? With a (favorite flavor) koolaid?" I asked.

"Of course." He chuckled in response.

They left to get what I asked for.

Megamind's POV

I put the bread in the toaster while Minion made the eggs. I also grabbed the koolaid from the refrigerator.

"Her request made me giggle at how simple it was." I said.

"I didn't tell her this part of the test results because it would probably scare her. But sir, she's like a 7 year old in an 18 year old body."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"The incident happened when she was 7. And that was the age of when Venom took over her body. (Y/n) has never felt the same since. But once her temporary amnesia is gone, she will be an 18 year old again. So don't be surprised or confused if her actions are somewhat child like." Minion explained.

"Oh." I said placing the toast on a plate and putting jelly on it, "that makes me feel terrible."


"Because Metro Man knew her and the situation she had but didn't help her. If I knew about the situation I would have helped her. But I didn't. And now this is her life." I explained.

"It not your fault sir, just know that she's safe with us." Minion said placing the eggs on the plate.

I walked in the room she was in and saw her looking at the remote like a confused monkey. I chuckled.

"You wanna watch tv?"

"Yes please." She said innocently.

I smiled at her. I placed the plate in front of her and picked up the remote.

"This button is the on button, see?"

"Ooohhhhh." She said.

I turned on the tv and went to the guide to see what was on.

"Spongebob!" (Y/n) smiled.

I chuckled and flipped to that channel. I set the remote down and was about to leave.

"Wait!" She said.

I turned to her, "Yeah?"

"Can you stay with me?" She asked, "I don't like being alone. It scares me."

"Of course." I answered.

I say next to her and she snuggled up to me as she nibbled her toast. I wrapped my arm around her and we both watched the yellow sponge show.

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