Chapter 17: It's Venom Now

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Megamind's POV

I was sitting in my chair flipping through the channels knowing that nothing good was on the TV. Until I flipped to one channel and saw a demon looking girl on the screen.

"Oh Megamiiiiiiiiind." She sang creepily like a possessed doll.

Who is that? I don't recognize their appearance or their voice, is what my head told me.

"You may not recognize this body, but the person who used to be in this body you did know." She spoke.

"It can't be. . ." I whispered.

"That's right. This is Spray's body. And I, Venom the female Satan, will destroy you and everyone in this city." She laughed.

I just stared at her appearance. Her outfit was a short red dress, she had black razor sharp wings, her hair now fiery red, her skin pale as if she was dead, and her eyes. . .those beautiful eyes now blood freezing red to kill a soul with one look.

"Oh no. . ." I whispered with a crack, ". . .Spray."

"So unless you want to be in chains and becoming a slave to the underworld, come meet me downtown on the top of Metro Tower and we will see who is most evil of them all." She finished.

The channel then went dead. Metro Man was right; she was a completely different person. I had this feeling in me but I couldn't figure out what it was. I stood up and punched the door trying to get it open.

"Warden you have to let me go! Venom needs to be stopped!" I yelled.

"Sorry Megamind you still have 88 life sentences to go. Plenty of time to reflect on what you've done." He replied.

"Do you want to hear me say it? Here it is! From the blackest part of my heart! I. AM. SORRY!" I said sliding down the door.

"Not buying it." He said.

I sighed, "I don't blame you. I terrorized the city multiple times, lied to Roxanne, treated Minion like dirt, and Spray. . .I acted like she meant nothing to me. But she does. I just didn't see it til now. . .please don't let this city die from what Venom will do. And poor Spray will so heartbroken to see what the demon within her had done." 

Suddenly, my cell door opened. 

"Apology accepted." Warden spoke, then transforming into Minion.

I softly smiled, "Ah Minion, you fantastic fish you."

"What are we waiting for?" He asked, "We better get going."

Venom's POV

I set smoke bombs all around Metro City. In 20 minutes time this city will be clouded by darkness.

"Stop you can't do this!" Spray yelled at me through my head.
"There's nothing you can do. The world needs to pay for how they treated you."

As I sat on the fountain looking at the water, the ground shook. I looked up to see my 3 enemies; Minion, Roxanne, and. . .

"Megamind." I growled.

We all have a reason to be evil (Megamind x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now