one » first date

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"Charlotte?" a decently tall, brunette man asked when I walked onto the patio of the small Italian restaurant I was told to go to. He was dressed simply, in a black shirt, black jeans, and a black hat. I looked out of place in my white high waisted shorts and light yellow pleated tube top, but I took a deep breath and smiled at the boy anyways.

"Wow, you got to know my name?" I laughed, awkwardly hugging him when I realized that's what he was going for. "Natalie didn't tell me shit. It's nice to meet you..."

"David," he introduced himself, gesturing for me to sit in one of the wire chairs under the big red umbrella. "David Dobrik."

"Cool," I immediately regretted my idiotic one word answer, but David laughed, so I felt a little better. "So how do you know Natalie?"

"We grew up in Chicago together, and now she's my assistant," he explained. "Really, all she does is hang out with me and bring me food, but..."

"Jeez, are you like a CEO or something? How old are you?"

He laughed, clapping his hands in front of his face, which I thought was adorable. "No, I'm a Youtuber. And I'm twenty one."

"Oh my gosh, really?" I asked. "Did you go to Tanacon?"

"I didn't," he smiled at me and my heart melted. He was very cute, and I was very screwed. "I was invited, but I knew it was a shit show before I left so I just went to Vidcon."

"That's disappointing. I wanted to hear a first hand encounter," I frowned. "I watched Shane Dawson's videos, by the way. I feel weird because, like, I said I didn't know who you were—which I don't—but then I knew what Tanacon was and I feel like you have to be a Youtube lover to know what Tanacon is so now I feel like—"

"Do you normally talk in run-on sentences or is that just for me?" he popped his eyebrows up, unable to contain his smile. I playfully rolled my eyes, thanking God when the waiter appeared to ask what we wanted to eat. I ordered spaghetti and David ordered chicken alfredo.

"Anyways," he sighed once the waiter left with our orders. "what do you do?"

"I'm a nanny four days a week," I explained. "And the family's really rich, so I don't really need a second job."

"Oh, you like kids?"

I hated first dates. I was so awkward and boys were so hot, but so bad at conversations. How did he want me to respond to them?

"Yeah, I absolutely love them. I would be a nurse in the NICU, but I'm not smart enough for that."

"I like them too," he said.

I don't know who entered my body when I chose to say, "Cool, wanna have some?"

David was silent at first, but he laughed after a few seconds. "Are you okay?"

"No," I sighed, laying my head down on the wooden table. "I'm so awkward. I wish Natalie would've said hey, by the way, he's normal so don't be fucking weird."

"Trust me, if you saw me around my friends, you'd know I'm not normal. You just have to shake the awkwardness out," he demonstrated by shaking his arms all over the place. "Like that."

I copied him, giggling when he laughed like an idiot at my expense. "Okay, I'm better now. Should we ask some questions or something?"

"You want to play twenty questions?"

"Um, sure. I don't know. I want my food," I admitted.

"What's your favorite movie?" he started off easy. I thought for a second.

"Moana. What an icon. Have you seen it?" I asked and he shook his head. My jaw dropped. "You haven't seen Moana?!"

"No," he laughed. "Why? Should I?"

"Oh my god, yes! It's so good!" I half yelled, getting some dirty looks from some of the older people on the patio. "Next date, we're watching it. It will change your life."

"I'm counting on it," he told me. "You've talked it up now. It better be good, or I'm going to be highly disappointed."

We talked for almost an hour after that; each sentence made it easier for me to get along with him. He was very funny and definitely cute. If anything, he was out of my league. I could only imagine how famous he was on Youtube, considering he needed an assistant to keep the ship afloat. I honestly didn't want to know.

By the time we were done with our meals, it was dark out. David paid, even after I offered to split it with him, and we made our way back to the parking lot.

"So, Charlie... can I call you Charlie?" he asked and I giggled, nodding. "Some of my friends are having a party tonight, and you could come back with me if you want. I know you're underage, but I won't tell if you won't."

"Okay, you just made it sound like you were a pedophile and I was fourteen," I cringed, turning my nose up. "I'm almost twenty."

"Still underage," he playfully rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I'd understand if you don't want to meet all my friends in one night, but I think it'd be fun if you came."

"Oh, I'll go," I bit my lip, not making eye contact with the boy leaning up against my car looking down at me. "You'll have to send me the address though."

"You can ride with me," he wrapped an arm around the tops of my shoulders and led me over to a beautiful, white, fancy looking car.

"Holy shit, you really are famous," I gently caressed the side of the Tesla, gasping when the back doors came straight up. "Holy fuck. It has wings?"

"Yeah," David laughed and I immediately climbed in the back seat. "You're sitting in the back?"

"I was planning on it," I said. "I want to feel like I'm in a spaceship."

"Okay, your choice," he got into the front seat and pressed a button and suddenly the doors started descending.

"Holy shit! That's so fucking cool!" I clapped my hands together, then tried to make myself appear less shocked. "Wow, I need more rich friends."

"You're really funny. Oh, can I film you?" he asked as a second thought, with his camera already pointed straight at me. I giggled and pushed some of my brown hair off my shoulders, nodding to let him know it was okay.

"I don't care," I told him, automatically regretting that decision when he set up the camera on the console, facing me, and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Are you ready to go fast, Charlie?"

"What—?" I couldn't even finish my question. David floored it and I was cemented back to the seat, screaming like a little girl. I clutched the door and the side of the seat for dear life, and I knew my terrified face wasn't anywhere near cute. Knowing that footage might end up on the internet scared me more than the ride itself. "Jesus Christ!"

"Was that fun?" he asked once the car slowed down to a regular speed. He turned around to watch me take deep breaths, and I immediately gestured to the road. "It drives itself."

"Never will I ever ride with you again," I clutched my chest to slow down my erratic heartbeat. "That was nightmare fuel."

"You're so dramatic," he turned for just a second to make sure that we were still going steady on the highway, and then he turned back to me. "Climb in the front seat, we have a plan to discuss."

hiii wassup this kinda lowkey highkey sucks because I WANTED THE DATE TO BE AWKWARD but i feel like it ended up being too awkward??? idk im an awkward bitch so this is just what happened to me on my first date (sadly not with david dobrik smh)

anyways hopefully it will get better i just want them to makeout already i cant go slow lol why do i already know they will kiss next chapter

vote and comment and keep reading if u like yall!!!! i love u guys <3

- abby

blind date » david dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now