thirteen » snakes

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"Babe?" David's quiet voice called out from the front door. I'd been sitting with Zane on the couch for the last hour while David left me to do God knows what. I always seemed to end up in this situation. David would pick me up in the morning to hang out and then find better footage to shoot and leave me wherever we were to go take some videos. It wasn't bad when he left me at his house or the boys' house, but I wondered why he even picked me up sometimes if he was going to ditch me thirty minutes later.

"In here!" I yelled back, cutting off Zane's words about the new girl he had been talking to. It was silent for a moment, then David popped around the corner, camera in hand and recording.

"Hi, babe," he smiled at me, then also greeted Zane. "I need a favor."

"What is it?"

"I need you to lay down on the floor and be blindfolded," his face was smiling but uncertain, probably hoping I said yes to whatever he planned for me. I sighed, covering my face with my hands while Zane fought on my behalf.

"David, she's your girlfriend," he huffed, wrapping a protective arm over the top of my shoulders. "You can't be doing this shit."

"Please, baby?" if I wouldn't have looked at him, I wouldn't have done it. But of course, he stuck out his bottom lip and gave me puppy dog eyes and I had to. Rolling my eyes, I stood from my spot, feeling my heart swell when David grinned at me. "Thank you!"

He quickly covered my face with a t-shirt (hopefully a clean one). I heard some bustling and immediately felt myself clam up. I wasn't that scared until I couldn't see anything and could only hear David's quiet giggles.

"David, just so you know, I don't have health insurance," I remarked, gripping my own thighs out of pure fear. I heard the group laugh at that one, and I wondered when they all got in here. "So if whatever you're about to do hurts me, you are paying the hospital bills."

David laughed and I heard his hands clap together. I squirmed when I felt something drop on me. It was long and thick (wink) and I knew the second it moved what it was.

"David, you dumbass, I'm not even scared of snakes," I maneuvered my arm out from underneath it to take the shirt off my head, then began stroking the big yellow snake. "Maybe you should've ran this by me first."

"Well then you wouldn't have been surprised," he whined, backing up slowly when the snake began making its way towards him. "I can't believe I brought Brian all the way out here and you aren't even scared of snakes."

"Are there more?" I asked giddily, letting Brian and another boy pick the bigger snake up off of my body so I could stand. They then reached into a box and handed me a much smaller, green, black and tan snake. "Hi, Mr. Snake. I'm Charlotte."

"How do you make snakes adorable?"

"Can we go take pictures? I'm, like, Instagram famous now," David rolled his eyes at my words. He thought it was stupid that I constantly bragged about my insta fame, but I went from 200 followers to 28,000 just from being in the vlogs and Zane posting a picture with me. I felt pretty good about it, even better when some of my acquaintances from North Carolina suddenly felt like catching up. It felt good to be better.

David took me outside and I took several pictures with the snake. He eventually took it back, saying Brian had to leave. We hung out at the boys' for a few more hours while David was editing, but I was getting pretty restless. I have said before that boys in sweatpants are my weakness, but let me reiterate that: I would do anything for a boy in sweatpants. David's tight joggers and his loose black don't be sad t-shirt was enough to make me want to go home immediately. It could've been handled if David was more of a fan of PDA, but he was only comfortable with small kisses and cuddling in public. I understood that, but at a time like this, I desperately wanted to just take my clothes off and walk out of the house, praying he'd follow me out of the car.

I couldn't do that, though. This house was filled with cameras and people and I thought I should be a little more subtle than that. I chose instead to sit next to him on the couch and put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention. He pulled an earphone out to show he was listening.

"Can we go home?" I asked, not caring what house he picked as home. "Please?"

"I'll be done in thirty minutes," he told me and I shook my head, letting my hand slide further down his chest. He seemed to catch my drift from that move. "Oh."

"Yeah. Please, can we go?" I whispered, using my other hand to twirl some of my hair and stick my lips out. My shirt was high necked, so there was nothing I could do there, but I did try to sit up straighter so I looked more appealing.

"Yeah," it was like something clicked. His laptop slammed shut and he quickly gathered his things, making a move to the front door. We never made it.

"Do you like David's hair long?" was the first question of the impromptu Q&A that Jason had somehow tricked us into just as we were leaving the house. He claimed David filmed with him all day, but he didn't get anything and that wasn't fair. I wanted to say life wasn't fair, but David encouraged me just to answer the question so we could leave. I nodded quickly, pulling David to the door in an attempt to get out of there. "Okay, why?"

Frustrated, I flipped the hat off of his head and grabbed a handful of his hair, yanking it to turn his head a bit to the side. Smirking, I lowered my lips to his exposed neck and began sucking, pulling back to tell Jason, "Easy access."

Jason was shocked to say the least, but I didn't know why. I knew he knew why David had packed all his shit up in two seconds. He was doing this on purpose. David was nervous laughing, but I could tell his eyes were dilated. He thought it was hot.

"Next question," it was Jason's half smirk that made me roll my eyes. For a middle aged man, he was such a child. "who's the dominant one in the relationship?"

"Me, obviously," I tugged again on David's hair, just to make a point. There really wasn't a dominant person in our relationship, but if answering the question would allow me to leave, I would. "Can't you tell?"

"Hey, I can do it too," David defended himself by snatching some of my hair, immediately making my mouth dry up. Hair pulling was my thing, and it made me want Jason to leave us alone ten times more. "Now I'm the dominant one."

"Okay," I softly spoke, looking up at David with puppy dog eyes. "You are."

David's eyes softened at my words.

"Let's go," David snagged the door handle and we were on our way, but not before he called over his shoulder to Jason, "you can't use that, by the way!"

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVIDDOBRIK ID DIE FOR U heres a second chapter in honor of my kings bday!!

follow me on twitter @messydobrik

vote/comment/follow if u enjoyed! and who knows whats coming next ;)

xoxox abby

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