nine » girls day

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Mason Belle: hiii charlotte!!! ik ur sister is doing something with zane and heath today so i wanted to know if u wanted to go to lunch and hang out with me and liza???
Mason Belle: and dont lie i know u only work monday-thursday

Me: ummmmmmm sure
Me: when

Mason Belle: yayyyyyyyy well pick u up i an hour???

Me: ok!!

Sighing at the thought of having to leave my bed anytime soon, I put my phone on my bedside table and climbed out of it, halfway making my bed. I liked both Liza and Mason, but after the night I had, I wasn't sure if I could even be nice to them.

Getting ready was even worse. Every time I looked at myself in the mirror, I got upset because I looked just like Raleigh and Raleigh was the cause of this mess. I didn't want to put on makeup, so I just threw my hair into a bun and brushed my teeth. I settled on a black crop top with a little Marbolo logo on the front (don't smoke, kids) and some distressed high waisted shorts with my slip on white vans.

I fed my cat while I waited for the girls and forty five minutes, I heard a honk. I sighed, tucking my phone into my back pocket and grabbing my purse. Outside was Liza's white Mercedes, Liza driving and Mason waving like crazy from backseat. I had to smile at the two. Though I had only met Liza once and Mason a few times, they seemed like the perfect, bubbly duo.

I slid into the front seat and was immediately smothered in hugs.

"Hi!" Mason squealed, sitting back in her seat. "I've missed you!"

"I've missed you guys too," I smiled, turning to greet Liza. "Where are we going?"

"Some Mexican place, is that okay?" Liza asked and I nodded.

"So how are you?" I questioned the car, and Mason was quick to answer.

"Oh my gosh, I have super exciting news. I'm pregnant!" she put her hand on her still flat stomach and smiled at me like she just won the lottery. "I'm so excited!"

"Oh my god," her happiness was contagious and I found myself jumping over Liza's console to hug Mason properly. "I'm so happy for you. I bet Alex is fucking ecstatic. I'm so happy, wow!"

"He is! He already has a list of names in his journal," she looked down at her stomach, like it would balloon any second. "I'm seven weeks. We're so excited!"

"It's the size of a blueberry!" Liza added from the front seat and Mason nodded frantically.

"Yeah, a blueberry! My little blueberry," she lovingly rubbed her belly. "And I have been craving Mexican for two weeks, so Liza finally decided to take me after all my whining, and I thought my fellow Southerner would like to come along!"

She was right. Surprisingly, the meal that I thought was going to be a confrontation meal turned out surprisingly normal. We mainly talked about Mason; that is, until the interrogation started.

"So... what happened last night?" Liza asked when the conversation began to dwindle. I hoped she was looking at Mason, but when my eyes drifted up from my margarita, she was staring me down.

"What do you mean?" I deflected the question easily, but the two girls weren't backing down.

"She means yesterday, at your birthday party, you and David went outside and when he came back in, he was pissed. He went into a bedroom and slammed the door so loud the whole party heard it," Mason took over the conversation, probably realizing Liza was too nice to get down to business. "And I tried to talk to him but he locked himself in there until everyone left. I called Jason this morning but he didn't tell me what happened, so now I'm being nosey."

"It's a long story," I tried to get away with not saying, but the two girls shared a look and I knew they beat me to it.

"We've got all afternoon, baby. I'll keep ordering you margaritas until they close," Liza smiled and I sighed, taking a few large sips of the margarita to chill myself out.

"Okay. Well, basically, I have some childhood stuff with my birthday and I hate it. I haven't celebrated it ever because..."

"We don't need to know that," Liza said when she realized I was struggling. "Birthday bad. We got it."

"Thanks," I smiled shyly, tucking some loose hair behind my ears. "Anyways, I don't like my birthday and he planned a party without asking me, basically for content."

"Yeah, he does that sometimes."

"And this was literally the day after I poured my heart out to him about my childhood trauma and why I don't trust people. So I yelled at him and I tried to say this is your party with your friends and he kept saying I was wrong. So I got mad and he told me he wanted me to be happy on my birthday so I should go home."

"He said go home?" Liza's jaw dropped and I nodded.

"Yeah. And then he said he would go with me, but I kinda told him I'd call the cops on him if he showed up at my house. We haven't talked since last night."

"Wow," was all Mason said. She then turned to Liza and asked, "Are you gonna handle it or should I?"

"Charlotte," Liza started, which seemed to answer Mason's question. She leaned back in her seat like she was done. "I want to say girl, fuck him. I want to say we should egg his house. I want to say he intentionally set out to hurt you. Not because he's my ex-boyfriend, but because girl talk means a lot to me and I want to be there for you."

"So say it!" I interrupted. "Let's go egg his house."

"I want to say it," she continued, not even paying attention to my outburst. "I want to, but I can't because it's not true. I don't believe for a second that David maliciously thought up a way to ruin your birthday. I don't even believe he thinks he did anything wrong, even if you think he did, because he thinks he was helping you. If he purposely tried to hurt you, it would not be the David that any of us know. Right, Mason?"

Mason nodded vehemently along.

"So as much as I want to say throw the whole boyfriend away, I know David is the nicest person I've ever met," she smiled fondly. "He would never do something to intentionally upset you, especially if he knew how much it would upset you."

"Fuck," I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. "I made a mistake."

"That's not necessarily true. Your feelings are valid, no matter if they're a little crazy. You felt what you felt, and you deserve to feel it," Mason got shy after she said that. "I don't even know if I'm making sense. Hopefully, you understand. You can apologize for what happened and still be right. I mean, David made a mistake but he didn't know, you know?"

I almost said but he did know. Almost. I decided, for once, to be the bigger person and just move on.

"Can we stop at the store after this? I need to get some stuff."

i just typed a long ass AN and fucking deleted it so please just vote and comment if u liked this chapter :)

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