sixteen » birthday festivities

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David left for Chicago the next morning, saying he wanted to visit his family for a few days and he'd be back for his actual birthday. I was happy that he actually had a place to "go home" to, but I would miss him. Over the past few weeks, I had gone from sitting home alone every single night to being with David all the time. On the days that I worked, he'd pick me up as soon as I got home and we'd hang out all night. On my off days, we'd be together all the time. I was worried he'd get sick of me, but every time we weren't together, he was asking me if he could come over and telling me how much he missed me. I figured I had a while before he got bored.

I chose to spend my time away from him doing what most girls would do: stalking his fan pages to try and figure out what he was doing. I got practically no updates, except that he was with his little brother Toby. That's about it.

My two days without him were disgustingly boring. I was reminded of my old life, where I literally sat around all day and watched Gossip Girl. I would've contacted one of his friends, but I was never one to make the first move and since they didn't ask me to hang out, I knew they probably didn't even want to.

I did talk to Natalie, for about five minutes, about some new merch that they were supposed to surprise David with when he came back. She asked me to come over that day and be part of the surprise, but we discussed that he would probably come straight to my house once he got off the plane (I did have his car, after all), so she told me just to lead him to the boys' house.

She did get me thinking about my possible present for David. What could you get for a millionaire who could buy anything he wanted? Content. You could give him content.

I made the appointment before giving it a second thought and called Corinna to go with me. She was well versed on the subject matter.

"Hi bitch!" she greeted me when she stepped out of her car and into my driveway. "Can we take the Tesla?"

"You read my mind," I smirked, showing her the Tesla key I already had in my pocket. "I can't believe he trusted me with his car."

"What a dumbass," she and I hopped in the Tesla and drove to the tattoo parlor that Corinna recommended. That's right, folks, I was getting a tattoo. After thirty minutes of deep thought and watching several of his most popular vlogs, I realized the best clickbait was Liza or tattoos.

Corinna promised to film for David, which I was thankful for, and I even saw her taking a snapchat while the tattoo artist, Andy, was digging a needle into the inside of my lip. David called me halfway through, most likely seeing the snapchat and wondering why the hell I was getting a tattoo when he couldn't record it. My mouth was occupied, though, so I chose to ignore it.

When the tattoo was finished, I was feeling pretty good. It hurt pretty awfully, especially since I was a baby who couldn't even handle getting a shot, but somehow I made it through it. I asked Corinna, "How does it look?"

"Oh my gosh," she smiled and nodded excitedly. "It's perfect. He's going to be so happy."

"Because I got his name tattooed or because he has some good clickbait?" I joked, pulling my lip down again to see the word "DOBRIK" written in the font of his intro slide. It was honestly too cute, and I didn't really regret it. If we ever broke up, it was on the inside of my lip and would eventually disappear.

"Babe, it looks so good. Wow. I love it, if David doesn't," she grasped my face to pull my lip out again. "I totally love it. Let's go show everyone."

"I have to call David back," I told her as we walked back to his car. "He called me while I was getting tatted. Wow, I feel like a badass."

Corinna laughed and told me she'd be quiet while I called him. The phone only rang once before he picked up.

"What the fuck, baby?" was the first thing that came out of his mouth.

"Hi, David," I replied innocently, rolling my eyes at Corinna knowing she could hear all of David's words in the otherwise silent car.

"You got a tattoo on the one day I'm not with you? I don't even know who you are anymore," I could tell he was joking around, but he probably was actually mad.

"Well, technically you aren't with me for two days," I countered and I heard him laugh on the other side. Talking to him made me miss him a lot more. "I just have no self control without you here."

"I can tell. What'd you even get?" he asked, and I tried to hold in my laughter at Corinna's eyes bulging out of her head.

"It's a surprise!" I grinned, shooting Corinna a thumbs up. "You can see tomorrow when you get home."

"If it says dick or something, I'm gonna be pissed," he told me.

"It's not dick, but it's pretty close," I laughed at my own joke. That was a good one. I'd have to retell it for the vlog. "Anyways, is that all?"

"No, I also miss you," he softened a bit, his laughter ceasing. "Can you believe we haven't been together for two days?"

"That's totally a record," I giggled, trying to ease how serious it felt like the conversation was getting. I was never good at being serious. "I miss you too, by the way. The Tesla just isn't the same without you in it."

"You're driving my car?" he scoffed.

"It was Corinna's idea."

"Of course it was," I could feel his eye roll through the phone. "Tell her to stop stealing my car without my permission."

"It's not stealing if you leave the keys," I explained, hearing him groan from the other end.

"I knew I should've asked Alex to take me to the airport. You love the Tesla too much," he said, which was true. Between my 2001 Corolla and his fancy ass Tesla, there was no competition.

"I only love it when you're in it," I replied, smiling when I could hear him laughing on the other end. "It helps me remember how fucking rich my boyfriend is. Such a turn on."

"You're so stupid," was his simple reply, but I could tell he was enjoying himself. "I'm going to hang up before my mom wants to talk to you. Not that I don't want her to meet you, I just don't want you to meet her. Anyways, I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled, winking at Corinna when she stared at me with a dropped jaw. Everyone knew we had sex, since David had a hard time keeping his fat mouth shut, but no one except Natalie knew we had said I love you. "See you tomorrow!"

David hung up and Corinna grasped my wrist, forcing me to look at her. She yelled, "You said I love you?!"

"Yeah," I blushed.

"Who said it first?" she interrogated, raising an eyebrow when I began giggling.

"David, obviously. He's obsessed with me."

"What a softie."

bitch i just want them to fight. can they please just fight. can i please make them fight.

vote/comment and follow me if u liked this chap! i kinda did!

also i gave charlie the tattoo i wanted first. I wanted it to say styles on my lip but then i realized david is way more likely to notice if i actually get one so im getting one that says dobrik when i turn 18 lmao im david trash

this is a teensy bit short but i hope u liked it anyways lol

xoxo abby

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