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*thank u for 200k reads on my first david book! no im totally not at all crying !!! i love u guys endlessly thank u for supporting me <3 (yes i said id do this at 15k reads and yes its 185k reads later please bully me) *

David and I got married three years later, when the time felt right. He was transitioning from Youtube to a new Netflix series, and I had just finished my last day as a nanny to transition fully into my cast member status. Oh, and motherhood.

I wasn't pregnant, sadly. David and I learned two years into our relationship, after many, many accidents that lead to nothing, that I was infertile. It seemed fitting that the girl who regretted being born couldn't have kids. Raleigh couldn't either, which made me feel a little bit better. At least we were in it together.

Anyway, it was sad, really, how it all came about. I had recently started nannying at a new house since my last kid transitioned into elementary school. My new kid was a two old named Willow, who called me mama every single day that I worked once she started speaking. As I got to know the family, I learned that the parents, Nai and Jacob, were both only children. Their parents were both dead, which is why they moved out to LA in the first place. A fresh start. A new life for their daughter.

Sadly, within six months of living in LA, they drove home drunk and were in a car accident. Willow was parentless, and David and I were ready to step up.

We got married (to help with the whole credibility thing), and then we adopted Willow. She had just turned 9 months by the time she moved in, and she still recognized me as her mother. Nai and Jacob had no one besides me, so after consulting with a few different lawyers about what to do, we ended up inheriting their house (which we sold), their bank account (which we put in a completely separate account for Willow), and most importantly, their child.

Willow was David and I's pride and joy. We took care of her not only because we wanted a kid, but also in memory of her biological parents, who worked all day just to provide for her. They deserved it.

"Is she awake?" David asked, and I glanced down at the baby sleeping on my chest. She had been up all night with a stuffy nose and a light cough, but she was finally sleeping.

"Shh," I frowned, placing a kiss to her forehead. "She's sleeping."

"You know, she's probably sick because it's February and you're outside sleeping in a hammock," David commented sassily, and I rolled my eyes.

"We have two blankets on us. She's not sick," I sighed, rubbing my hand gently up and down her back. "You know, I've been nannying since I was seventeen.  I know a lot about kids. If she was cold, I'd take her inside."

"You know, you're annoying," David mocked with a sweet smile that didn't quite fit his words. "I love you."

"What are you trying to ask me, David? I know there's a reason you came out here."

"Yeah, I wanted to know if Jason and Jonah and Todd could come over," he sheepishly smiled. "We will be really quiet. We're filming a mukbang for Jason's channel."

"He's really clinging onto Trisha any way he can, huh?" I joked, and David nodded.

"Don't say that when he gets here. He's still torn up about everything. I'm surprised he even wants to hang out with Todd... or even me, for that matter," David sighed, carefully lifting up my legs to sit next to me, laying them back down over his lap. "Anyone in love makes him depressed."

"So I shouldn't bring up the engagement, right?" I clarified, and David vehemently shook his head.

"Are you crazy? You can talk to Todd about it later. I'm sure he's dying to talk about it with someone," David smiled. "I still cannot believe he and Corinna actually worked out."

"Why? I think they're perfect for each other."

"They're no us," David replied. "We just work, you know? Little fights, but nothing major past the, like, six month mark of our relationship. They're good together, but... they're no us."

He was right. They were no us. It was hard to be us.

I had never imagined such a fairy tale romance. I had grown up on the assumption that love wasn't real, and everyone who said they were in love were either delusional or lying to themselves. I now knew that wasn't true.

Love was scary and blind. You had to go into it with no expectations, full of trust and faith. Some people couldn't do that; they couldn't handle the way you had to find it. With David, I could.

Though our life was crazy (and getting crazier by the minute), I was so thankful for David and who he made me. He taught me love, respect and forgiveness. He changed who I was, both inside and out.

I was hopeful, for once in my life. Hopeful for a better tomorrow, with the love of my life and our daughter right by my side.

short but i felt like i had to lol

thank u guys for reading! xoxo abby

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