twenty one » charlie puth

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"What are you doing here?" David repeated, wiping his eyes quickly in an attempt to hide the fact that he was crying. "And I definitely am not crying, by the way."

"You aren't?" I teased, taking a step off the porch to approach him. "What are you doing then?"

"Hey, I asked first," he reminded me and I nodded, taking a few more steps until I was directly in front of him.

"I saw your video," I told him, not really knowing what else to say. I was so nervous while waiting for him to show up that I hadn't even planned out a speech. Everything I was going to say was coming straight from the heart.

"Yeah, and you didn't show up. So if you came to give me an explanation, I don't need one. I would rather just forget it ever happened than hear—"

"Jesus, do you ever stop talking?" I joked, using both of my hands to grab his face and force him to look at me. "I meant to say that I saw your video at 11:52. I knew I wasn't going to make it to the restaurant in that time."

"But you were going to come?" hope lit up his eyes and a smile found its way to his face when I confirmed.

"David, I look like this. I left my house as soon as I finished the video," I gestured to my hideous clothes and then to my knotted bird's nest for hair. "I would've told you, but your dumb ass turned off your phone."

"I thought it was more romantic," he admitted, and the low light showed off a faint blush on his cheeks. "I really just assumed you'd come. I didn't think I'd need my phone."

"Cocky, much?" I rolled my eyes playfully, but David's simple nod had me laughing out loud. I knew he was. He was David Dobrik, he had the right to be. "Can we go inside and talk? It's hot out here."

He motioned for me to follow him and we decided we'd play a little joke on Natalie. I hid in the closet and David got the tears flowing again before entering his living room, where Natalie was sitting on the couch. I could only see David from my angle, but I could hear her gasp.

"Oh, David," Natalie jumped up, wrapping him in a hug over the couch. It looked a little funny, but it did the job. "I'm so sorry, baby. I really thought she would come."

"Do I need to find you a girl to fuck? Because I will," Natalie added when David said nothing. She used one of her hands to massage his hair while the other one ran up and down his back. He pulled away at those words, laughing and wiping the tears under his eyes.

"No, Charlotte's over there," he pointed in my direction so I stepped out from my hiding spot and waved. "Thank you though."

"You asshole," she slapped both of his shoulders then pushed him away from the hug. "I knew she came!"

"How?" I asked and she raised her eyebrows in a really, bitch? sort of manner.

"Well, I knew you'd watch the video because you have no self control," she joked, which actually was true. Especially after a week of holding off on anything David related, not watching his video was so hard. "And I knew you'd go to the restaurant because you love him."

"I really do," I agreed with her, eyes flickering to David just to see him smiling back at me. Natalie must've gotten the hint at that and sent herself off to bed, leaving us alone. I didn't want to get into anything I'd regret; we still needed to talk. I moved to sit on one end of the couch and forced David to sit on the other, where I wouldn't be distracted and could gather my thoughts.

"Can I go first?" he asked, probably when he realized I didn't even know what to say. I nodded, shifting in my seat to face him. "Okay, first of all, I love you."

He paused after that, so I hit him back with a quick, "I love you too."

"I'm so sorry if I even made you feel for a split second that you were lesser than Liza or that I was even comparing you to her. I did it unintentionally and would've never even recognized it if you hadn't of said something. I love Liza, and she will always have a special place in my heart, but my love for her doesn't make me love you any less," I didn't even notice he was sliding closer to me until he was only a foot from me. "When you asked me if I'd break up with you for her, you didn't even give me time to answer. No. I want to be with you. In the words of Charlie Puth, you're the only one I wanna love."

"Shut up," I laughed, flipping my hair over my shoulders. "You know I love Charlie Puth."

"Yeah, I know," he smirked. "Anyways, that doesn't matter. I love you and want you to be my girlfriend for a long time. I'm so sorry that I made you feel bad and I promise I will do everything in my power to never do it again."

"Okay. And I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. I should've given you a chance to explain so you didn't have to look like a desperate little bitch in front of all of your followers—"


"—but I didn't, so I'm sorry. We should probably tell them I came, by the way, before I get bullied off the internet," I suggested and David agreed, realizing it was past one in the morning and some people were probably still awake, dying to know what happened. I knew I had gotten texts from half my home town once the clock struck midnight, and most of David's friends had texted me as well. I didn't even need to check my instagram to know my comments ranged from "hi charlie, did you happen to go?" to "bitch if you broke david's heart, i'll slit your throat", both of which were valid points.

David posted a picture on both his snapchat and instagram stories of me laying on his couch and him giving the camera a thumbs up. It was simple enough, but it definitely got the message across. Within minutes of the picture being posted, David got a facetime from Jason.

"What, Jason?" David groaned, smiling up at me when I laughed at the rude greeting. He was laying on my lap and I was playing with his hair when Jason called.

"I just wanted to tell the ice queen thank you," Jason said and I scoffed, snatching the phone from David's hands so Jason could see me. "Thank you for going. It means a lot to me."

"I didn't do it for you, Jason," I rolled my eyes. "Contrary to... your belief, not everything is about you. You weren't right when you told me to be nicer."

"Okay, Charlotte. I'll see you tomorrow."

That asshole. I hated that he knew he was right and I hated that I couldn't even act mean without everyone knowing I was bullshitting.

"Do you want to go to bed?" David asked once I handed him back his phone. I smiled as I realized I was actually going to be able to sleep in the same bed as David. You never realize how lonely sleeping alone is until you sleep with the same person every night for six weeks straight. It really makes you think.

I followed David to his bedroom, where he talked for a while about what he did when I was gone. It was a pretty boring week. I eventually fell asleep, listening to the sound of his beating heart.

i dont know if i like this but its cute and im bored so im posting it anyways

NEW QUESTION: whats your favorite food?? im interested to know after seeing i have international readers. i love trying new things so give me the goods!!!!

vote comment and follow me if u liked it!!! there may be an update tonight but idk im kinda burnt out xoxox abby

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