seven » unlocked

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"So why didn't you tell me you had a sister?" David asked once we finally got settled in my bedroom. He fought with Raleigh for thirty minutes, trying to get her to sleep in the bed with me, but she chose to take the couch. I think she wanted to hear David and I fucking so she had something to report to Mom.

"Do you want the long story or the short one?" I laughed, turning onto my side to face him. He was wearing my biggest pair of sweatpants, which were still an inch and a half too short, and the sweatshirt I stole from him. Boys in sweatpants, even girl's sweatpants, were my biggest weakness. David looked too cute.


"Okay, well, it all started when my mom started dating my dad," I began the retelling. "My grandpa absolutely hated him. He thought he was a flake and a bad influence, but my mom was a teenager, so she obviously rebelled against him and ended up getting pregnant."

"With you guys?" David interrupted and I nodded.

"Yeah. My grandparents had her really late in life, like in their early 40s because my grandma came from divorced parents and she wanted to be sure. My mom was 19. He didn't think she was ready. But since he thought she wasn't ready, she decided she really, really wanted to have the baby. To prove to him that she could do it."

"And she had twins."

"Yeah. She had twins that she couldn't take care of. She always resented me, I guess, because I was the second one out. Raleigh was the baby she wanted, and I was the one she got stuck with," I sighed at the thought of it. It was a stupid notion she got into her teenage head when I was born but couldn't get rid of. "Anyways, my dad left us when we were two and my
mom refused to admit her mistakes and ask for help from my grandpa, so we had a pretty bad life. We were always hungry and we got bullied for being poor and it was awful."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," David said and I shrugged, knowing his apology couldn't take back anything that had happened.

"So, two years ago, we found out that my grandpa had been sick with cancer and my mom was hiding it from us. We found some letters he had written us and something just... resinated with me. He wanted us to be there. I got a job working constantly instead
of going to college, which my mom hated, and six months later I felt confident enough in my finances to move out and come find him," this was when the story actually got good. "He recognized me because I looked exactly like my mom did. We talked for a long time and he invited me to stay at his house. It was a lot at first, but I loved him when I first met him. He was so wholesome and nice."

"He didn't wonder if you weren't who you said you were?"

"Never," I laughed, thinking about Ivy Dickens from Gossip Girl. It was nothing like that. "I took care of him for a few months and then he eventually died. I called my family for the funeral, and I could tell my mom was excited. This house is worth a lot, considering it's in a good neighborhood in LA and he had already paid it off. Plus he was kind of loaded; he never spent money and kept it really well. My mom thought she was inheriting everything, but..."

"He gave it all to you?" David asked, not an ounce of shock on his face. "That doesn't surprise me. You're a good person."

"Yeah. It surprised my mom though. She was pissed because she'd been banking on that money for as long as I can remember," I told him, stopping to smile when he moved his hand to begin playing with my hair. "She basically disowned me, went back to North Carolina and talked a bunch of shit about me. Now Raleigh's here, I think just to see me, but it also might be some double agent stuff. I didn't want you to meet her because once they find out about the Youtube stuff... my mom will know a lot more about me than she does now."

"You could've told me if you didn't want to be in my videos. I would've made sure no one put you in theirs," he told me, and I grinned ear to ear. It was cute that he was protective.

"I like being in your videos," I admitted softly, feeling my heart swell when he smiled down at me. "She just doesn't deserve to know that much about my life, you know?"

"Yeah, I get it," he said. His hand never stopped petting the top of my head. "I can't believe I unlocked your tragic backstory tonight."

"Are you proud?" I joked, but he nodded very seriously. "Okay. Good. Go to bed, then. Tomorrow, we are sightseeing!"

I had somehow roped David and Natalie into taking my sister and I around Hollywood, after I made Raleigh promise she wouldn't mention that tomorrow was our birthday.

My mom made me hate birthdays since I was little. She always found a way to let me know that I was the unwanted one, even in front of all of our friends and family. I didn't like celebrating and seriously hoped David never found out.

He fell asleep just a few minutes later, his hand still in my hair and my head resting on his chest. I wasn't super comfortable and I would've moved if it was anyone else in the bed, but David looked exhausted all the time. I thought he needed the sleep.

I finally fell asleep almost an hour later, lulled by the steady beating of his heart.

Something was off the next morning, I could tell. David was his usual chipper self, but when Raleigh said she needed to take a shower, he rushed her, saying some of the tourist attractions close early (as if it wasn't 8 AM). Then, when I exited my room in a t-shirt and a pair of running shorts, David forced me to go change, claiming we were ending the night at some fancy Italian restaurant with a dress code.

I finally just told him to pick out my outfit and ended up in a tight black crop top and some tight red jeans. He even picked Raleigh's outfit, one of my black slip dresses. She put a blazer on top so she didn't look too exposed. I was confused about the outfit choices; they looked more like party outfits than dinner outfits, but David assured me they would look great and we'd take our first actual picture together at dinner.

Though David and I had many forehead shots laying in the bed (and several sleeping pictures he wasn't aware of), we had yet to take an actual picture together. David promised that would change tonight.

Raleigh and I got ready side by side, our routines still backwards from each other. When we used to share a bathroom, she did her hair while I did my makeup and then we switched so we wouldn't be in each other's way. Nothing had changed.

Natalie arrived at our house a few minutes after we were all ready, driving David's Tesla. I was so surprised how lenient he was with who could drive it and dreamed of the day I could.

"David, are you hiding something from me?" I asked while Raleigh and Natalie had their first introductions. They hit it off just like we did.

"Would I ever hide something from you?"

"Um, yes. A lot, probably."

David smirked, opening the door for me and, before closing it, said, "You'll just have to stick around to find out."

;) also i changed the cover bc i was in the daviddobrik tag and another fic had the same pic and i liked the new cover better anyways

anyways vote comment and follow if u liked!!

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