three » the blowback

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I hadn't realized the scope of the vlog squad's influence until two days later, when David and the rest of his friends posted whatever footage they had of me.  I watched the video, titled KISSING A FAN WHO BROKE INTO OUR HOUSE!! (FREAKOUT), and a few other of David's videos. I knew immediately why my Instagram following had grew overnight and why some people were saying I'd never be Liza.

It was a little shocking. I had gone 19.92 years of my life without any hate comments ever being directed towards me, but looking through the comments on the video made me rethink everything I knew. For every decent comment (wait she's pretty or get it dave), there were three times as many mean ones (she thinks she could be better than liza? lmao or wow david downgraded).

It didn't hurt that they were calling me ugly. I knew that wasn't true. It hurt that they thought I was trying to compete with a girl I had never even met, by going on a blind date. It made no sense.

I decided to spend my day alone at home, tanning in my backyard instead of worrying about what some tween girls on the internet thought about me. I was interrupted about an hour in by a voice that scared the living shit out of me.

"Jeez, put some clothes on, Charlie. You have guests," David laughed while I screamed, nearly falling out of the white woven hammock I was laying in.

"What the fuck?" my hand grasped my chest and my feet hit the ground, steadying myself. "How do you know where I live?"

"You shared your location with me on Wednesday!" he reminded me and I sighed, slumping back in the hammock. He was right. After he had dropped me off at my car, he wanted to make sure I got home safe since it was so late, so I shared my location once I got home. "Oh, and I brought Jonah and Brandon."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you, Jonah," I stuck out my hand for him to shake, but he just stood there smiling at me. "Okay."

"Sorry, he's a virgin," Brandon hit Jonah to shake him out of his daze.

"This is probably the closest he's ever been to a naked girl," David joked, turning the camera to Brandon while he laughed.

"That's not funny. First of all, I am clothed but if I wasn't, I shouldn't be punished! You broke into my house!" I pointed out and David just shrugged, turning his camera off.

"We're going somewhere. Get ready," though his demand was a bit rude, it still warmed my heart.

"I don't think that's such a good idea," I sighed, flipping my brunette ponytail off my shoulder.

"Why?" David questioned, while Brandon and Jonah fought behind him about something stupid.

"I watched your video and read, like, 400 comments this morning," I admitted sheepishly, unable to meet his eyes.

"That was dumb," he joked, but when I barely cracked a smile he frowned and dropped into the hammock next to me. It became significantly closer to the ground, and I almost feared we were going down, but we bounced a few times and then stilled. "Most comments are stupid and unnecessary to read. Anything you probably read about you probably has something to do with my ex-girlfriend. She is wonderful, and I love her, but she has nothing to do with any other romantic endeavor I choose to embark on, and neither do the people who watch my videos."

"Okay," I smiled, pushing myself off the hammock and offering David a hand. "I'm going to go put some clothes on. Where are we going?"

"To my old apartment, so you can meet some of my friends. Casual."

I led the trio to my living room, where they could entertain themselves with the television (and making fun of me. I could hear them talking about my hammock obsession from my bedroom in the basement.). I quickly changed into a decent outfit and fixed part of the makeup that I had sweated off, leaving my hair in its natural waves.

I entered the living room again to hear David filming about how "Charlotte" my house was, whatever that meant. He was very hooked on my many hammocks and excessive plants, which I found made the place more homey. I locked all the doors, along with my back gate, and followed David and friends to his Tesla.

"I still can't get over how rich you are," I smiled when the front door popped open in front of me. "Natalie did good."

"She did?" David laughed and I nodded.

"Yeah, I told her I wanted someone rich and here we are," I joked and watched David's eyes light up.

"Can you do that again for my vlog?"

The first thing I noticed when I entered David's old apartment was the lingering smell of weed. It was brutal, but I kind of liked it. I had been such a goody-goody all my life that the thought of something like that excited me.

"David, can I smoke weed?" I asked once we got sat down on the couch. He raised his eyebrows, feeling completely shocked at what I just said.

"It's not my weed; it's Dom's," he gestured to the boy sitting next to us, with a shaved head and a bong in his hands.

"But you won't be mad, right?"

"Why would I be mad?" he countered and I shrugged. "It'll be good footage. If you like weed, you can smoke it."

"Hell yeah! Let's party!" Dom slid the bong across the coffee table towards me. I giggled nervously.

"I'm not a stoner; I've never smoked weed! I just thought it'd be fun," I crossed my arms over my chest, covering my face when David laughed. I couldn't believe I was being so open with someone I met two days ago, but it felt nice.

"You're so cute. Dom, teach her how to work the bong," David instructed, but made no move to get out of his way.

"No, you teach me. I know you know."

"I don't know!" David defended himself, but cracked nearly immediately under the pressure of my stare. "Okay, I do know. Basically, what you're going to do is..."

I took four hits from the bong before it felt like I was floating in the middle of their living room. I knew my legs were on the floor, but it felt like they'd just start floating up if I didn't have a blanket to hold them down. After telling David about my predicament, he made sure they stayed down by flopping his own legs right on top of mine. "Better?"

"David, you're a genius," I smiled lovingly up at him, pinching his chubby cheek when he grinned back.

"She is so high," Brandon joked and David scoffed, hitting him on the arm.

"No, she's not. Tell me more, Charlie," David leaned forward, placing his hand on his chin and smiling up at me.

"David Dobrik, you motherfucker," Jason, who had joined us at the apartment, laughed.

"What?" David smiled innocently.

"You can't use your high girlfriend to make yourself feel better. Charlie, name three things you like about me," Jason mocked, making me fall into a fit of giggles.

"Hey, only I can call her Charlie," his arm over the top of the couch moved to the top of my shoulders as he pulled me in closer. "Right, Charlie?"

In my sedated state, I agreed with everything he said. I nodded along and Jason scoffed, talking to Alex about how evil this was.

"It was her idea!" David fought back, but he kind of gave up when I slumped against his chest. "Goodnight, Charlie."

"Mhm, night, Davey."

awwwww cuteeeeee ok guys ive literally smoked weed one (1) time and that is exactly how i felt. id be laying down and itd literally feel like my legs would just start floating, but when I looked down theyd be on the ground. so forgive me if this isnt how weed works and i sound like a dumbass bitch!!

anyways this was just to get them closer and show charlies p innocent ;)

if u enjoyed any part of it, vote and comment and share so i know!!! its really hard to gauge an audience when so many people are reading but no ones saying anything

peace - abby

blind date » david dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now