ten » the talk

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Liza and Mason drove me to Ralph's, where I picked up some flowers, and then to David's house. They told me to "go get 'em, tiger" and left me on his front step.

I rung the doorbell once I saw their car had disappeared and waited a few moments before Natalie appeared at the glass door.

"Hey! Are you okay?" she asked, pulling me in for a hug. I nodded against her shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm good now. Is David here?" I questioned and she frowned, shaking her head.

"He's filming something with Jonah and Brandon. He should be back soon though. I'm actually about to leave to go eat with one of my friends, but you're welcome to stay," she let me in and left a few minutes later, promising to text me if she heard anything from David.

Left to my own devices, I could've done anything. I could've snooped through David's stuff or even written a note and left it on the couch, but instead, I cracked open a Red Bull and sat criss crossed on his island. I almost gave up hope, realizing it was stupid to wait in David's house when he could be anywhere, but just when I thought about leaving, I heard the front door open.

From the other room, I could hear David on the phone.

"No, I just don't know what to do. I thought you'd have some kind of fatherly advice since you're so old."

He was most definitely talking to Jason.

"I told you what to do!" Jason yelled back. He was either on speaker or facetime. I could also hear David taking off his shoes by the door. "You obviously like her; just go to her house and tell her you're sorry."

"But she said she'd call the cops on me!" he whined back, making his way into the living room and plopping down on the couch without so much as a glance in my direction. "I think she would too."

"Who cares? No girl actually means that. Sometimes you have to do crazy things to show people you care. Just go tell her, David," he sighed like he had told David this thirty times already. "That's my advice. You do what you want."

Three beeps let me know that he hung up. David sighed at that, rubbing his temples. I had to decide quickly what to do. I could either hide until he left again, or I could make myself known now.

I chose the latter, by clearing my throat. David's head snapped around, jaw dropped in shock until he realized it was me and not some random intruder. He immediately stood from his spot on the couch.

"Holy shit, you scared me," his hand found his heart. He looked awful, probably worse than me. His usually messy hair looked different—bad— and his usually tired eyes looked like he hadn't slept in years. "What are you doing here?"

Trying to give myself a moment to think, I held up the flowers next to me, feeling relief flood my body when he smiled. "I'm sorry I got so mad. I should've listened to you. I know you were just trying to help."

He approached me and put his hands on my knees, pulling my body closer to the edge of the counter. I unfolded them and put them on either side of his body, a much more comfortable position. He said, "I'm sorry I threw you a party I knew you didn't want. It was my mistake."

"Yay. I feel like an adult. My first relationship fight."

"You're so cute," David smiled up at me. "Can I kiss you?"

It was only our second kiss, our first being three weeks ago, on camera, in front of everyone. It wasn't a real first kiss. This was.

I nodded and David wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, pulling my head down to meet his. We kissed and I pulled away giggling, the reality of the situation just hitting me. It was real. I was actually with David Dobrik.

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