fourteen » ecstasy

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The ride back to David's house was very tense, to say the least. David was driving like he was in a fucking Nascar race, tapping his thumbs against the steering wheel every time we got stuck behind a particularly slow car. It was relatively silent except for when David would yell, "Get out of the fast lane going fifty, dumbass!"

David was always a fast driver (he did own a Tesla after all), but the way he passed cars had me clinging onto the door handle, absolutely petrified. We made it back to David's, usually a twenty minute ride, in record time. He climbed out of the car immediately, and that's when I realized he wasn't even wearing a seatbelt. Rude.

He came around and opened my door for me, then practically pushed me to his front door. He unlocked it, and on the couch sat Natalie and Carly. Fuck.

The two girls looked up and must've sensed the desperation radiating from us, because they seemed to make knowing eye contact.

"Natalie, I'll give you twenty dollars to get the fuck out of here," David fumbled with his wallet until he pulled out a hundred dollar bill. The man was rich, of course he only had hundreds. "Hundred dollars."

"I would've done it for free, but since you offered," Natalie teased, snatching the bill from David's hands and tucking it into her pocket. "We'll see you two later. Have fun!"

They gathered their things and left a few seconds later. I felt the tension in the room rise as David turned to look at me. "So..."

That was what he had to say? So?

"And you call me awkward," I joked, taking a step towards him to pull his hat off and shake out his hair. He laughed, mumbled a soft shut up, and took my face in his hands, pulling me up to meet him in a sweet kiss.

He pulled back and said, "You're so pretty."

David called me pretty every day, but this time was different. This time, he said it with so much intent that I knew he truly meant it. I, of course, couldn't handle the affection, so I blushed and countered with a "You're prettier."

"Let's not do that," he rushed and I nodded quickly, tugging off my shirt from the bottom.

"Yeah, okay."

Once my shirt was off, the whole tone of the room shifted. David had seen me in a bikini one time, but not for long and in front of other people. This was different.

I was wearing a matching lace red set, surprisingly, and David swallowed once I finally freed myself of my black jeans. He asked, "My room?"

"Yeah," I responded and he let me lead the way, probably to check out my ass as I walked. In his room I climbed onto the bed and turned to face him, stretching my arms out to bring him my way. I fiddled with the bottom of his shirt and asked, "Do you want to take this off?"

I knew David didn't like to take his shirt off in front of people, and I'd never push him to, but his nod yes did surprise me quite a bit. He pulled it over his head without a second thought and immediately pulled the focus back to me, grabbing me by the thighs to pull me to where I was laying down. He climbed on top of me and started kissing me again, this time pulling away to move down my neck and across my chest. His tight grip on my hips was intoxicating, and I could've got lost in it if I didn't remember my objective. Actual sex.

I pulled his face back up to mine using his hair, making him laugh and mumble, "You want to play that game, yeah?"

"Shh," I whined, forcing him onto his back so I could be on top. "This is your early birthday present."

"You're too broke to buy me a birthday present so you choose to seduce me?" he joked while I pulled his pants down his legs, leaving him in blue boxers with little pink donuts on them.

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