two » the plan

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"Okay, you think you got everybody?" David asked. I had been going through he and his friend's Instagrams for the past thirty minutes, trying my hardest to remember everyone's names.

The plan was simple. He was going to lead me around to the back of the house, where he would help me climb in Jason's window after he socialized for a few minutes. I was then supposed to find Jason, who was in on the prank, and their friend Brandon, who David said would be completely freaked out by the thought of someone breaking in.

I was kind of scared I was going to get shot or something, but David made it seem like it was okay, so I figured it was. I was just supposed to go in there, act like I snuck in, and look excited to meet all of them. It seemed easy enough.

I waited five minutes after David parked to exit the car, and another 5 minutes outside the window he had pointed out to me until it opened, and a middle aged man looked down at me, camera in hand.

"Hi, I'm Jason," he laughed, setting the camera down somewhere then reaching his two hands down to grab me under the armpits. "On three, jump."

I did what he asked and pushed myself up into the window, rolling onto a bed. "Hi Jason, my name's Charlotte."

"Yeah, I heard about you. David was talking about you so when you come in, change your name," he told me, grabbing the camera off the bedside table and leaving it pointed at me. "Me and Brandon are going to be right outside this room. Act like you just climbed in through the window, but wait a few minutes."

"Okay," I smiled, pulling my hair up into a ponytail. "Wait, what was David saying about me?"

Jason laughed, said, "wouldn't you like to know?", and then left me alone in his bedroom. I sat for almost ten minutes, playing with my phone and snooping through Jason's things (whoops) when I decided it was finally time to leave and see what happens.

I quietly opened the door and immediately noticed Jason, standing in what appeared to be a living room with curly haired Brandon and blonde Matt. I approached, attempting to look shy, but started smiling big when I made it to their little circle.

"Oh my gosh, hi guys! I've been waiting to meet you for forever!" pulling Jason in for a hug, I looked over his shoulder to see David standing in the doorway, talking to Natalie and recording.

"Hi, sorry, who'd you come with?" Jason sidehugged me. I immediately clammed up, making sure Matt and Brandon noticed that I didn't know how to answer.

Stuttering, I said, "Um, I came on my own."

"You don't... know anyone?" Brandon asked, eyebrows quirked and looking thoroughly freaked out.

"I know you guys! I love your videos!" I forced Jason into another hug. "I've wanted to meet you guys for, like, a year!"

"How'd you get in here?" Matt asked and I sheepishly smiled up at him.

"I climbed in Jason's window, but in my defense, it was unlocked!" I held two hands up in surrender, and Jason's face turned scarily angry.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You need to get out of here right now before I call the fucking cops!" I knew he was trying to cause a scene, but I was still kind of scared. I figured I could sell it more if I started crying, so I thought of a dead puppy and burst into tears.

"I'm so sorry! I just love you guys so much and I wanted to meet you so bad! Please don't call the cops!" I cried, feeling the tears soak my face. It was always easy for me to cry on command, and by the shocked look on Brandon and Matt's faces, I knew it was working. "I'm so, so sorry!"

"Hey, what's going on?" David approached us, a stern look on his face.

"Oh my god, David, hi! I've been wanting to meet you for so long!" I hugged him around the waist, feeling him uncomfortably laugh on top of me. "Oh my god! I love you!"

"Who is this?" David focused the camera on me.

"She broke into the fucking house, David! Is this one of your stunts?" Jason yelled, making tears form in my eyes once again.

"I just really wanted to meet everyone," I whined, making sure to smear my makeup when I wiped my tears. "I'm so sorry."

"David, she needs to get the fuck out before I call the cops," Jason yelled. "That's not cool."

"Calm down," a blonde girl wrapped an arm over my shoulders. She was super pretty, and I recognized her from David's instagram account as a girl named Mason. "She shouldn't have done it but she already did, so let's fucking party, bitches!"

David sighed, "Mason, she's my fucking date. We were trying to scare you guys."

"Oh," she mumbled, but then a huge grin grew on her face when she turned to me. "Hi! Oh my god, you're so pretty! Charlotte, right?"

"Yeah," I laughed, wiping under my eyes in an attempt to fix my smeared makeup.

"You really committed," David laughed, focusing the camera on my black undereyes.

"She did! For a second, I thought she had forgotten about the bit or something," Jason pulled me in for a sidehug. "I almost stopped but David was behind me mouthing keep going, keep going."

"You're a douche," I shoved David and he laughed, clicked a button and moving to set his camera on a little bar thing. "Does anyone have any makeup wipes?"

Another blonde, who I recognized to be Corinna, nodded, pushing herself off the couch and leaving the room. She came back a few minutes later, wipe in hand, and hugged me. "Hi! I'm Corinna, by the way."

"Yeah, I know all your names now. I did extensive research on the way over here," I joked, using the wipe to take off all of my ugly makeup. I felt a little insecure in front of these cameras bare-faced, but I had no other choice. "It was like flash cards."

"Shut up, it wasn't that serious," he giggled (literally giggled; it was so cute) and pushed me lightly.

"Oh my god, kiss for the vlog!" someone piped up. It only took one. Within seconds, the rest of David's friends were surrounding us, all chanting one word: kiss.

"Someone take my camera," David clicked a few buttons then handed it off to Scott. "Is this okay?"

"We're actually going to do it?" I squealed, eyes focusing on the group surrounding us and not David. He grabbed my jaw, forcing me to look at the devilish smirk on his face.

"Give the people what they want, Charlie," any other time, I wouldn't have done it. But it was late and I was tired and David was hot and cocky and what was wrong with kissing him one time?

Everything. Absolutely everything.

ummmm i love how i wanted this book to go slower and we're two chapters in and theyve already kissed..... what the fuck is wrong with me. i need to start writing one shots (let me know if youd want to see that)

anyways i hope u enjoy this chapter, please vote comment and share if u like this story bc it lets me know im not writing it for nothing!!! the fourth roommate only got finished because i had people who waited for updates and told me it was good lol

also did u notice that mason cameo ;) im so excited to write her again!! shes so fun and crazy lol just like me

anyways thank u so much for reading!! let me know your thoughts!'


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