six » north carolina

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"David, get out of my house," I snapped for the tenth time, throwing his shoes at him as he sauntered to the door like he had all day. "Go!"

"Can you at least tell me what this is about?" he whined, picking up the Vans and sliding them on his feet. "Is your other boyfriend coming over?"

"Have I mentioned you aren't my boyfriend?" I sarcastically asked and he giggled, sliding his signature black hat onto his head. "Go! Now!"

"You do know I'm circling the block and coming back to see who you're hiding from me, right?" he slipped out of the door right after he said that, narrowly dodging the remote that I chunked at him. I sighed, taking a moment to collect my thoughts, then focused on straightening up the house. I removed all traces of David, like the cup he used and the two shirts I had stolen from him. I was almost calm when my front door swung open, and my twin sister Raleigh pranced through it.

"Hey Char Char! Did you miss me?" her grin was contagious, whether or not she surprised me with her visit, and her presence made me feel at home.

"RaRa," I hugged her, rocking us back and forth for a second before letting go. "Welcome to LA, bitch!"

"How've you been holding up since Papa died?" she asked, but didn't hold back on snooping around the place. "You kept the hammocks?"

The last time I had seen my sister was at my grandpa's funeral a little over a year ago. My mother got a little distant after he left everything he had to me, so she and Raleigh left in a hurry once he was buried. I honestly expected to never speak to them again. Raleigh's visit took us both by surprise.

"I love the hammocks more than Papa did," I admitted, flopping into the one placed in the living room. "And I've been good. I made some new friends out here. I got a job as a nanny for a very rich family. It's good here. And in North Carolina?"

"Oh, you know, the usual," she joked, opening another cabinet to see what was inside. I couldn't tell if she was curious or spying on me. "Mom told everyone at church that you took all the money and decided to stay in Los Angeles."

I had to roll my eyes at that one. She had always made me out to be the bad guy, when in reality, Papa didn't agree with her choices and I stayed with him until the end. He loved me more.

"That doesn't surprise me. She loves to make herself the victim. She did it all our lives," I sighed and followed her out to the backyard, where she raised her eyebrows at the hammock on the shade and the hammock out in the sun.

"Jesus," she whispered under her breath, but still flopped into the shady one. "It's already so nice here. I love Papa's little yellow house. So cute."

"I know. The plants and everything are so much work but I love them because he loved them. If they die..." I trailed off, placing myself next to her. "I don't know what I'd do."

"Well, you've kept them alive for a year now. I think you'll be okay," she smiled softly at me, squeezing my hand in comfort. "So, tell me about those new friends!"

"Well, I stopped at a coffee shop that I never go to one day, and I met this girl named Natalie in line. I'm super awkward, so I never talk to strangers, but she had a sticky note on her back so I told her and we started talking and she was so sweet," I started off my explanation. "She set me up on a blind date—"

"A date?"

"A date."

"With who?"

"With me!" David's voice surprised me at first, but I expected nothing less from him. He had snuck into my backyard, again, and scared the living shit out of my sister. "Hi, sorry, I'm David."

"Raleigh," she introduced herself, not failing to give me a wink in the process. "I didn't know she had a boyfriend. She never tells me anything."

"He's not my boyfriend," I defended myself, crossing my arms over my chest. "You know him, from vine."

It was like something clicked. Raleigh's eyes lit up, and she suddenly jumped from the hammock to hug him. "Holy shit, yeah, I loved your vines. Charlotte, you're dating someone famous?"

"Charlotte, you have a twin sister?" David countered. I rolled my eyes, flicking them off while swinging myself. "You don't know how much I can do with this."

"You have a twin fetish, don't you?" I sighed and he laughed, clapping his hands in front of his face.

"You're funny, Charlie," he said, sticking out a hand to help me up. "You guys wanna get some food then go to the house? I want to surprise the guys."

"They all have twin fetishes, don't they?" Raleigh huffed jokingly and I smiled. She was so funny, and I missed her so much.

"You're catching on fast. Let's go."

David picked up Chipotle for us and paid even when I literally fought him to slide my own card. On the way to Jason's house, we started planning.

"You know, you could just walk in with Raleigh instead of me and see who says anything," I said after a few minutes of Ra and David bickering back and forth about what to do. "Do that for the people who are home right now. When people come later, you could do that blindfold thing and we could both stand there when you take the blindfold off."

"This is why I like you, Charlie," he smiled at me through the rearview mirror and my heart melted. Yes, the rearview mirror. I sacrificed myself to the backseat so my sister could enjoy her first Tesla ride.

We arrived at Jason's a few minutes later and I waited in the car while David did his thing. I didn't know it until later, when I watched his video, but the bit actually went very well. David and Raleigh walked in to Todd, Scotty, Kristen and Corinna in the living room. They didn't say anything off, but you could see them looking at one another when David acted like he wasn't filming. Raleigh and I were pretty similar, but not identical, so since the boys had only seem me a handful of times, I'm sure it really freaked them out.

When Jason came out of his room, that's when the jig was up. He recognized immediately that it wasn't me and made David admit that it was a lookalike, not knowing I had a twin.

My favorite bit was one with Zane and Heath, where David sat them on Todd's bedroom floor and blindfolded them. Raleigh and I sat on his bed, and when David instructed them to take our blindfolds off, we said, in unison, "Hi boys!"

They freaked the fuck out. Zane was by far the funniest reaction; he said, "I feel like I'm in David's wet dream right now!"

The way David nodded behind the camera, I kind of felt that way too.

woah 2 chapters in one day im feeling risky!!! anyways pictured are Charlotte (right) and Raleigh (left) arent they stunning ugh

ALSO can u tell i have a rough relationship with my parents but a great relationship with my grandparents? all my books the parents are mean and shitty but the grandparents are the bomb lol

anyways i hope u like this chapter learning more about charlotte, her life, and her motives!!!! vote comment and follow me if u enjoy!!

xoxo abby

blind date » david dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now