twenty three » a day in the life

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"God, you guys are so boring. Could you do anything fun?" Todd complained for the thirtieth time that day. For a few days, he and Corinna were talking about a "follow the couple for a day" video, in which they would follow us around while we did things to get a taste of what we were like as a couple. It was noon, and my head was laying on David's lap with his laptop resting on top of me. It looked uncomfortable, but you got used to it real fast.

Toddy wasn't as pleased as I was though. He was complaining about how shitty Corinna's video was going to be and then he was going to "kick David's ass" if he didn't do something fast. Corinna was obviously not pleased either. She added, "I mean, do you ever do anything remotely interesting?"

"Sometimes we wake up from our naps at the exact same time," I mentioned, feeling David's body shake with laughter at my joke. I couldn't see him, but I could tell he was proud of my joke.

"This was a shitty video idea anyways, Rin," Todd huffed, setting the camera down on the couch. She scoffed, snatching the camera from him and moving to stand in front of us.

"No it's not. It's a good idea. We follow them around one day, and the next day we live like them. So many people would want to see at least the first half, which is good enough for me. David's doing this on purpose to fuck with me."

"No, I'm not," he laughed above me, taking the computer off of me. I rolled over so I was facing upwards. "This is what we do all day. You should know; we come here every day and do the exact same things."

"Okay, let's imagine this is your most wild day of dating," Corinna suggested, taking David's laptop from the couch and shutting it. "What would you do?"

I stood, forcing David to as well, then unbuttoned his jeans, slowly pulling down the zipper.

"What are you doing?"

"We need more room because we're going to eat!" I cheered. Todd rolled his eyes at my sexual joke, as if he actually believed I was going to suck David's dick in the middle of their living room. Corinna seemed to perk up at the idea of us doing anything, so David repackaged himself and we headed to his Tesla. David let me pick, for some reason, so I chose a small green café on the outskirts of town. It was very good, even if David didn't eat many salads. He could eat a veggie burger.

"So is this a place you guys go a lot or...?"

"I go a lot," I told Todd, turning around to face him. "It's really close to the house I nanny at, and they sell lunch foods at breakfast so I come every morning to buy a lunch. We never go here. David wanted to look nice for the video, so he let me pick."

"Hey, I let you pick all the time," he fought back, causing me to roll my eyes. "I do!"

He didn't.

"Okay," I sarcastically smiled at him. "You totally do."

"I do," he turned around to tell Corinna, who was filming us. "Don't let her trick you into thinking I don't. I'm a very caring boyfriend."

"You're a biotch," I joked, knowing that the word biotch made David laugh uncontrollably for no apparent reason. I had said it one time, when I didn't want to refer to my car as a bitch, and David lost it. He thought it was the funniest thing I'd ever said.

"Your mom's a biotch," he countered whilst cracking up beside me. Luckily, the Tesla was on autopilot or else we would've been so dead. I just had to nod and accept defeat. He was right; my mom was a biotch. "We're here, dummy."

"You're a dummy."

"No, you're a dummy, and I said it first so—"

"Is this what you guys do all day?" Corinna frowned. "Play fight and sleep?"

One look at David and I burst out laughing. "Yeah, that's pretty much it."

"We also watch ASMR videos," David added, and I agreed with a nod. "SAS-ASMR makes some bangers, not gonna lie."

"She does! We watch and eat sushi," I explained while we made our way into the restaurant. "Even though David doesn't eat sushi. He eats fried rice and pretends he's eating sushi."

"What else?" I could tell Corinna was just prying for the video, but I genuinely could not think of anything else David and I ever did. We were very natural people. We never planned to do certain things on a certain day; they just happened on their own. We weren't Jay Alvarez and Alexis Ren. We were more tame and boring than that.

"We dance a lot," David finally added after a minute of thought. "Not on camera, though. It's not good dancing."

"Not like a tango?" Todd joked and the whole table laughed imagining David Dobrik with a rose between his teeth and the top buttons on his loose shirt undone.

"Definitely not. David isn't even good at rocking back and forth."

"I so am," he playfully pushed me, but I stayed in the same spot I was before. "She's strong, see?"

He pushed me again and I began to giggle about the time he had tackled me. I tried to share the story with Corinna and Todd but it came out wrong and sounded borderline abusive, if they even understood what I was saying.

"We do this a lot," David interrupted my outburst and gestured to my near crying face at something that happened three weeks ago. "She laughs at the same stuff, like, once a day. And her laugh makes me laugh so..."

"It's never ending," Corinna half smiled at the way I finished his sentence. She set the camera up on the table and began an interrogation.

"So what has it been like? Being in a relationship with one another."

"Um, it's had its ups and downs," David chuckled a little before adding, "if you couldn't tell by one of my most recent videos."

"We have a lot of issues to overcome," I corrected his weak sentence. "I have some trust issues that I'm working on. I want to be able to safely say that David loves me and I love David and that's all that matters. I just can't."

"Why not?" David asked, a concerned look on his face. He had seemingly forgot the camera on us, or even that Todd and Corinna were sitting in the booth across from us. The situation got real fast.

"I just can't believe that's true. I've never seen a love that didn't come with conditions. It's hard for me to imagine that someone could love someone else unconditionally."

"But I do," David frowned, sinking down in his seat so he was closer to eye level with me. "I love you no matter what. I want you to be happy no matter what. I would never intentionally hurt you. I love you."

David loved me.

I loved David.

That's all that mattered.

ok i was gonna extend the book to twenty five chapters but ill be damned if the perfect ending sentence didnt just fall in my lap while writing..... i mean it was unreal how that came to me after a whole day of writers block, and i knew it was special.

so yes, that is the end of blind date. id like to thank EVERYONE who has read even a single word of it because id never be able to work so creatively if it werent for the people who read and enjoy. i hope u liked it and i hope i can continue making content that you guys like!!

if you liked this book and havent read my others, i have an alex ernst book called the fourth roommate and a tiny short story harry styles book that no one has read but it means a lot to me so i keep it up. keep reading my stuff, and i promise another fanfic really soon !! keep ur eyes out ;)

(sidenote: pretty sure scott is reading this bc like a day after i posted the "a message to charlie foster" vlog chapter, his vlog is titled a message to my girlfriend??? seems shady)

thank u for reading and i hope u liked it :))))

xoxo abby

blind date » david dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now