twenty » the vlog

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Natalie: Hey! Watch David's vlog. I miss you!

Mason: bitch u have got to see davids new vlog

Scott Sire: hey charlotte, you really should see david's latest vlog

Jason: Charlie! You might want to check this out
Jason: link

Davey boy: Hi Charlie
Davey boy: I know we're broken up and all
Davey boy: But it would mean a lot to me if you'd watch my newest video
Davey boy: I love you
Davey boy: Please consider watching it

Liza Koshy: Hey, I'm not sure if anyone has told you to watch David's vlog yet... but you should probably watch it. Just a heads up.

Toddy: Holy fuck babe watch davids video

Zane: just watched davids video..... what are you thinking bitch I support you 100%

I actually held off for two hours, which is much longer than I anticipated. I was able to distract myself with cleaning, doing my hair even though I was going nowhere, and forcing my cat to sit with me as a therapist. I was able to ignore my phone blowing up from the thousands of fans DMing me and commenting on my pictures. It was when Raleigh texted me that I thought maybe I should watch this video. Her texted seemed pretty urgent, and she mentioned something about "last chances".

I sighed, letting go of Dobby and watching him sprint away from me to go hide under my kitchen table. I walked to my room and took my laptop off of my desk, settling onto my bed. Opening it, I went to Youtube and the first video that popped up was 4 minutes and twenty seconds, as usual, but its title was lowercase. It read: a message to charlie foster.

I already felt my eyes welling up with tears. David took the whole vlog thing very serious; he would only post videos that fit with his theme and he thought were perfect. The first time he really deviated from that was his breakup video with Liza. The second time was for me.

I clicked on the video, feeling my nerves rise while the 15 second Samsung ad played. When the video finally loaded, I took a deep breath and pressed play.

"Natalie, are the flowers too much? They're too much right. Are they too much?" it was David, sitting in his kitchen with a bouquet of roses laying on the counter next to him. Natalie must've snatched them out of frame and then his intro slide played.

"Alright, guys, this is going to be a different kind of video. If you don't want to watch it, you don't have to," he started off the video, and I debated pausing it and never watching it again, but something told me to keep going. "As most of you know, two months ago, my assistant set me up on a blind date, and I met this incredibly wonderful girl named Charlotte. She is so loving, sweet, funny, beautiful and one of the most genuine people I have ever met. Over the past two months, I fell in love with her because of her genuinely fearless soul, her charismatic personality and her amazing looks. I mean, if you don't believe me, here's some proof."

I was already crying, and it hadn't even been thirty seconds. The next minute and a half of the video was filled with different clips of me. The first was my retelling of the time David straight up tackled me, except I was laughing so hard that my words were incomprehensible. He told me it'd be impossible to use it in the vlog, since no one could even understand what I was saying, but he kept it because he loved my laugh.

The next video was a short one. It was probably two in the morning when it was filmed, on a night when I had consumed one too many red bulls and felt a little crazy. It was one of the first nights we had slept over, I could tell from my wannabe cute pajamas. I was simply dancing around the room to Cardi B's I Like It while David practically screamed the lyrics. It was hideous, but David promised as long as we were dating, he'd never post the video. Asshole.

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