five » one of them?

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"You want me to do what?" I asked for clarification, cringing when David repeated exactly what I thought he'd said.

"Film a video with me," he started, then paused for a second before adding, "and Liza."

"David!" I whined, pushing loose pieces of hair out of my face. "I can't do that. Too awkward."

"C'mon," I could hear him sigh over the phone. "It wouldn't be that bad. She's right next to me and nodding."

"She's listening?" I gasped and from the movement behind the phone, I could tell David was nodding. "We need to talk privately, David. I'm scared of her."


"Please just come over. You can meet; you don't even have to film if you're uncomfortable. Please?" I could only imagine David's puppy dog eyes, and I had to sigh at the thought. I told him I'd be at Jason's house in an hour and set out to get ready.

Knowing I had to meet and compete with David's ex-girlfriend, who he was most definitely still in love with, was scary. I had to look somewhat decent, so I put on a little more makeup than usual and actually brushed my hair for once. I dressed in a black Clickbait sweatshirt, which I stole from David, and some leggings. I didn't want to look too nice, but I didn't want to look hideous either.

I left my house and got to Jason's around fifteen minutes later, sitting in my car for a few minutes just to calm myself down. I was never one to willingly put myself in awkward situations, and I just knew this wouldn't end well. After five minutes of staring out my window, I was startled by a knock on the window.

It was Jason and his girlfriend Trisha. I rolled down the window and sighed, leaning back into my seat.

"Hi, Jason. Hi, Trisha."

"What are you doing?" he asked, genuinely seeming fatherly and curious. I unlocked the door and motioned for the two to slide in the backseat. "Oh, no, are you stalking David? Because you should know—"

"I'm not stalking David," I half laughed, half cringed at the fact that he'd even think that. "He invited me. To film some videos... with Liza."

"Oh, you don't want to? Liza's nice!" Trisha piped up and I sighed.

"It's not that I don't want to. It's not, really," I added when Jason raised his eyebrows. "It's... okay, I had to get myself acquainted with all you guys once I met David. I've watched Liza and David's breakup video like ten times. He is obviously still in love with her, and I'm obviously just a distraction. I know when she gets ready to get back together, he will drop me in an instant to be with her. She's the love of his life."

"Don't think like that," Jason scolded me. It felt odd, listening to a forty year old man like he was my own father, but it was somewhat comforting.

"Well, I just mean like, he's going to love her more than me for a long time. We aren't even dating yet, technically. So it's kinda scary for him to be hanging out with Liza. I'm fine with being the rebound, but the rebound that gets dumped two weeks in? That kinda sucks."

"You'll be fine. And David's on his way out here, so you better take a deep breath and act like you never said any of that."

"What?" I turned just in time to see David opening my car door, sliding into the passenger seat.

"Is there some kind of meeting I don't know about or...?" he asked sarcastically, laughing when I slapped his arm. I didn't want to tell him why we were sitting in the car, but I also didn't want him to make his own assumptions by my silence.

"We're just hanging out," I lied, pushing my hair over my shoulders and checking myself out one last time in the rear view mirror before climbing out of the car. The rest of the group followed in tow as I made my way up Jason's front steps and opened the doors.

On the couch was a tiny girl I recognized to be Liza. She immediately jumped up when I entered and smiled at me. "Hi! I'm Liza!"

I took it upon myself to stretch out my arms in a hug. I realized, after seeing her in person, that she was in just as much of an awkward situation as I am. It wasn't her fault. I might as well be nice to her.

"I'm Charlotte. It's so nice to meet you. You're gorgeous," I began complimenting her because it was the only thing I knew how to do. "I love your sweatshirt."

"Oh my god, we're matching!" she giggled, throwing her head back. She was honestly really cute; I could see why David was completely enamored by her.

Liza started a conversation with me immediately, but I could still hear David in the back talking to his camera. He said, "Guys, this wasn't even planned. I wanted to film some stuff and they won't stop talking!"

We ignored him, of course, chatting about nearly everything from how nice David's house was to our shared love of smoothies. We were talking for a long time before David finally shut us up to tell us what he wanted to film.

The first was a scene where it was supposed to look like I was making out with someone in Todd's bed. When David walked in, he'd say, "Charlie?" and I'd turn around and say, "David?" and he'd say, "Who is that? Come on out, you son of a bitch." and Liza would pop her head up and say, "Hi, David. Miss me?". It turned out funny, or so David said, so I figured that was a good sign.

We filmed a video for his other Youtube channel in which we played a game to see who knew David better. Considering we had been on two (ish) dates, Liza beat me pretty embarrassingly bad. David started it out by saying, "What's up guys? Welcome back to my second channel. Today I'm here with one of my ex-girlfriend and one of my new girlfriends," to which we all three said, "One of them?". I was a bit uncomfortable through the whole thing, but Liza assured me that I was doing fine and to not be worried.

I was most worried about David's fans though. In the few weeks that I had known him, I had gained thousands of Instagram and Twitter followers. Most were super sweet and supportive, but it wasn't uncommon that I got "not liza" comments. Having videos with her showing we were friends, I hoped they'd stop, but deep in my mind, I knew they'd only say we planned it and everything was scripted.

David drove home with me after we filmed, mainly because I had to feed my cat and I was feeling very tired. We hung out for a few hours, watching movies and swinging in one of my many hammocks,
all the while David made fun of my hairless cat Dobby.

I felt like I finally belonged, with Liza's approval, and could only hope the vlog squad's fans felt the same way.

ok it took forever but i had to think of a bit to do with all of them so its not my fault ....... right? anyways hope u enjoy vote comment and follow me if u want more!!

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