four » jaws

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It was the next Wednesday, July the 4th, when David asked me to hang out again. It had officially been a week since I met him, and he thought it called for celebration.

Growing up, I was never one to initiate anything. With a debilitating fear of rejection ever present in the back of my mind, it was hard for me to even ask my friends to hang out. I never wanted to call David first, just in case he was busy or he got annoyed. When he finally contacted me, after waiting since Friday night for him to call, it felt... good.

I was scared, to be honest, that he'd never talk to me again after Jason put a part into his video where I was high and talking about David while he was in the bathroom, saying I didn't even think he had any romantic interest in me and we were wasting our time.

Luckily, that wasn't the case.

David: Wanna come over tonight
David: Im gonna be alone
David: Winky face

Me: ummm i have to work tomorrow
Me: but sure

David: Pack ur sleepover bag!

Me: send me ur address

David shared his location with me, so I slowly got up from my hammock in the living room and put on something a little more reasonable, a red halter top and some navy blue high waisted shorts. It was festive, but not too festive. I put my messy hair into a bun and decided my makeup from work earlier was good enough.

David's house was a good twenty minutes from mine, and when I finally reached it, I marveled at the sight. It was huge, and super fancy, and made me feel very out of place. I knocked on the front door and a few moments later it swung open, revealing a smiling David.

"Charlie!" he pulled me in for a hug, then stepped out from the doorway to let me pass. "It's been too long."

"Not my fault," I raised my eyebrows, laughing when he sighed and rubbed his temples.

"I've been busy, but you didn't attempt to contact me either," he pointed the finger at me, so I rolled my eyes at him, plopping myself onto his big white couch.

"Nice house," I commented. It was incredibly nice on the inside, and I knew David didn't decorate it. It was too pretty. "Did Natalie decorate it?"

"No, I have an interior designer," he told me, then proceeded to joke, "I'm boujee."

"Don't say that," I laughed out loud, pushing him further away from me. "That was gross."

"You thought it was cute!" he sassily rolled his eyes and grabbed the remote off the couch next to him, handing it to me to pick something to watch.

"We should watch a movie. An American themed movie," I told him, putting the remote back in his hands because I had no clue how to work his fancy ass TV. "I vote Jaws."

"Is that an American themed movie?" he asked and I half shrugged.

"It's a summer movie in America," I told him and he sighed, clicking a few buttons on the remote until a play button appeared on the screen.

"I'm scared of sharks," he admitted, trying his best to keep a smile off his face. "We're gonna have to cuddle or else I'll start crying."

"I'd rather see you cry," I giggled and he playfully rolled his eyes, standing up and asking me if I wanted anything to drink. My options were either a Corona or a Red Bull, so I took the Corona and smiled when David grabbed a big, fluffy black blanket for us to use. He laid it over my lap then sat down next to me, pulling my legs to rest over top of his. He covered both of us with the blanket and smiled down at me.

"Are you comfy?" he asked politely, and when I nodded he started the movie. I kind of dozed off halfway through since I'd seen Jaws a dozen times over the past year and a half with my grandpa and David's hand was rubbing soothing circles over the tops of my thighs. He probably would've fallen asleep on top of me, if it weren't for his phone ringing when he was almost asleep.

The marimba ringtone shook me out of my slumber, but I didn't move, hoping David would talk about me to whoever was on the phone.

The conversation went a little like this: "Hey. What? You're at my house? No, leave. I'm serious. Charlie's here. Jonah, get your ass back in Brandon's car and go home. Jonah, I'm serious. If you ring the fucking doorbell—" Cue the doorbell ringing. "You're a dick."

I pretended that I just woke up, which I was sure David believed. Middle school drama taught me well. I sneakily asked, "Who is that?"

"Jonah and Brandon. I'm so sorry," he huffed, lifting my legs off of his lap and sliding out from underneath them, then placing them gently back down onto the couch. "I'll be right back. Hopefully they won't come in."

David's hope didn't work. A few seconds later, Jonah and Brandon were entering the living room with bright smiles on your face.

"Charlotte! Good to see you!" Brandon laughed while David rolled his eyes. I could tell he was more annoyed than he wanted to let on. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to cockblock David."

"He had a girlfriend like, a month ago," I tried but Jonah shook his head.

"He hasn't had a girlfriend for seven months," he corrected. "And he's been there to cockblock us every single time."

"Don't act like anyone wants to have sex with you, Jonah," David scoffed, causing me and Brandon to giggle.

"I wasn't even going to have sex with him," I defended myself, taking a large gulp from my long forgotten beer. "I was sleeping before you got here."

"Yeah, okay, sleeping," Brandon joked. I stuck up my middle finger and leaning back into the couch, letting David wrap an arm around me. "I can see that."

"I was!"

They continued to make fun of David and I for another hour or so until I said I needed to go to bed. I had to leave for work early. David gave me the option of his room or Natalie's room but warned me that Natalie might be home at any time, so I took his bed. He said he was going to film a few things, post his vlog, and he'd be up in thirty minutes.

I changed into some leggings and a t shirt and climbed into his bed, feeling myself sink into it in bliss. I loved hammocks and sleeping in them, but David's bed was otherworldly.

He joined me a few minutes later, climbing into the bed and staying pretty far away from me.



"You don't have to... stay so far away."

"Are you asking me to cuddle with you, Charlie?"

"No. I'm just saying that I'm scared of sharks too."

hey sorry it took so long its just that im literally a depressed piece of shit! anyways heres a chapter please vote comment and share if u like it <3

(also in tfm mason and alex slept in the same bed for the first time in chapter four and now david and charlie are in the same bed in chapter four.... i sense a pattern)

- abby

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