eleven » the thought provoking shower

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"David! I brought you some fuck women ice cream!" it was a voice I would recognize anywhere. I was halfway through Coco, already crying (because fuck Ernesto de la Cruz), and David was almost asleep while editing, but the slamming of his front door jolted him awake. Jason sauntered in with two pints of Ben and Jerry's in hand and Alex following in tow. I smiled at the two boys, waving when Alex began laughing at Jason's dumb words. "Oh, hi, Charlotte!"

"Jason, you're a dumbass," David laughed, pulling off his headphones and shutting his laptop. I paused the movie so David wouldn't get any hints. Alex joined us on the couch while Jason chose to sit on David's beanbag. I wasn't upset they joined us; we were just laying there anyways.

I nudged Alex with my foot to make him look up at me, then said, "Congratulations!"

"Oh, thanks," he seemed to blush, only making mine and David's smiles grow. "I'm so excited."

"Ew, does that mean you and Mason have had sex before?" David asked like a four year old, which is when I realized he was filming.

"Shut up, David, no one was supposed to know," Alex acted shy for the camera, but when David's laugh signaled the bit was over, he laughed too.

"Charlotte, we brought you some welcome to the family ice cream," Jason tossed one pint at me and I ducked, leaving David to catch it one handed. I gasped, giving him a high five and then taking the ice cream from him.

"No, don't eat it. Jason and Alex need to get up and we need to film the whole thing again. I can't believe I missed the first part. Charlie, after he says I brought you fuck women ice cream, you guys make eye contact and you say "hi jason!" and he'll say "oh hi charlotte i brought you welcome to the family ice cream i was kidding earlier obviously"."

David's mind was always moving and we filmed the scene a good five times until David thought both Jason and my reactions were perfect. It was a lot of work to be David's girlfriend, but I took in all in stride. At least I didn't have other things to do like Liza did.

Jason and Alex stayed for a long time that night. We ate ice cream and they watched the remainder of Coco with me while David finished editing, no doubt deleting a part to add the bit we just filmed.

"So, Charlotte, how'd you guys make up?" Jason asked once the movie was over. David still had his headphones in, but I could one hundred percent tell he was listening to every word I said and acting like he wasn't.

"Well, I went out to eat with Liza and Mason and told them the story and they basically told me what they thought and then I felt super bad and apologized," I briefly explained the situation, not really wanting to go into Liza's whole "I want to" rant.

David plucked a single earbud from his ear and, with a dopey smile, added, "She brought me flowers."

"I knew you were listening, asshole," I joked, pushing on his shoulders and he laughed out loud, clapping his hands in the air. "I should've said something else."

"You wouldn't lie to Jason, would you?" David asked incredulously. I sent a wink Jason's way and nodded innocently back at David, pouting my lips out. "You're so cute."

"And on that note," Alex stood from his spot on the couch, brushing off his pants and turning on his heel. "I'm gonna head out. You guys have fun."

I thought Jason would leave too, considering they came in together, but he informed David he actually drove separately and could leave later. It was sometime in the night that Raleigh texted me, asking where I was and if I was okay.

Me: yeahhhh long story im at davids ill see u tomorrow morning 7 am sharp!

Raleigh: why so early bitch

Me: i have to put on decent clothes before work. i get off at 5 and david wants to hang out with us after. is that okay??

Raleigh: yes :)
Raleigh: tomorrows my last day unless i cancel my plane tix

Me: u should cancel them! its not like ur missing work its summer
Me: but if u dont want to its fine
Me: ik mom is probably ecstatic for ur return home

Raleigh: so i can tell her what youre doing LMAO
Raleigh: well talk tomorrow morning
Raleigh: have fun with davey
Raleigh: but not too much fun ;)

Jason and David were throwing popcorn at one another when I left my own thoughts and I scoffed, picking the pieces near me up off the floor. "Childish. You're both childish."

At my words, they looked at each other and seemed to come to a consensus with a smirk. Within seconds, the whole bowl of popcorn was dumped on my head. I gasped, shaking my head like a dog to rid myself of the crumbs and spreading them all over the couch.

"Have fun cleaning that up," I smiled sarcastically, flipping the two off when they fought to contain their laughter. "I'm taking a shower, dickheads."

"Bye, baby!" David called after me. I would've never let him see it, but his pet name did make me smile. I went to his bedroom and raided his dresser, finally settling on an extra large Too Much Scotty shirt (a joke I didn't get) and a pair of Clickbait shorts.

My shower gave me a lot of time to process the conclusion I had come to earlier. In love. Was I actually in love with David?

The truth is, growing up I never trusted anyone except my sister, who I also hated for most of my life. While she was there for me, she was also the cause of my suffering, so I had some very mixed feelings about love and trust. I had never been a relationship, since I was so closed off in school, and I had never even really had friends except for Raleigh. I wouldn't know what love is if it slapped me in the face.

But at the same time, maybe that's what makes it feel so real. Maybe I don't know what love is, but not knowing means my first grasp at my feelings is probably true. I didn't know what love was, but I knew that my heart swelled every time he said my name and that my hands got sweaty when he stared at me a little too long and that my eyes lit up every single time he waltzed through my back gate. I felt like I loved David, so I probably did. Your first instincts are never wrong; that's one good thing my mom taught me.

After my relaxing and thought provoking shower (thanks David and your 3 in 1 shampoo-conditioner-body wash hybrid), I felt refreshed. Love was scary and raw but necessary in life, and David must be mine. And if I was wrong? I'd get over it, eventually. At least I'd know what love is not.

The good thing is that I didn't think I was wrong. I really thought David was the only person in life I had ever loved, no holds barred. Telling him that? That's a whole other story.

kinda a filler but also talking about her feelings so??? i guess not really???? and david calling her baby??? yes??? please???

um also i hope that last bit about her feelings made SENSE!!! shes never loved anyone but she thinks she feels love so she probably does??? like if she doesnt know exactly what shes supposed to feel how can she deny her first thoughts?? i dont know how to word that in an intelligible way sooo im sorry!!

anyways please vote/comment/follow me if u enjoyed this chapter!!! i already have the next chapter typed so im posting again at 145 votes, if u havent voted for my previous chapters u definitely should!!

aight peace babies xoxox abby

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