twelve » pranking david

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"Don't cry," David wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me in tightly for a bear hug. "It's okay, babe."

"I'm not crying," I lied, quickly wiping the tears from under my eyes. "My eyes are just sweating. Fuck you."

"You're crying," he singsonged, following after me while I pretty much sprinted out of the airport. "She'll be fine."

"I just feel like I put so much behind me, you know? Like, I met you and suddenly I became this forgiving person who wants my sister to be happy even if I was miserable our entire lives," I started rambling and I was getting too compliment-y. I decided I should shut up before David figured out how obsessed with him I was and broke up with me.

"So you forgive her?" David asked, a thoughtful look on his face. I had told him my whole life story at this point, so he really understood everything I was saying, more than anyone on earth besides my mom and Raleigh herself.

"It's just weird," I sighed, tossing my ponytail over my shoulder. "For my entire life, I've harbored this resentment towards her despite her being my only friend, just like my mom did with me. I always thought if she never existed, I could be normal. But I don't even think that's the case anymore."

"Everything happens for a reason," David interrupted with words I'd heard a million times before, but they meant so much more coming from him. He had said them a few times over the course of the month that we'd known each other. He never knew how much they meant to me.

"Exactly. If my mom didn't make my life a living hell, I would've never moved to LA. I would've never met you and all your friends," I said, tensing when I realized I had done the exact opposite of what I planned to do. David smiled to himself, though, so I kept talking. "I mean, I wish I wasn't hated by my family, but... I met you because of it."

"C'mere," he extended his arms and I fell into them, walking side by side, pressed up against him. "I hope you know you're at home here. We can be your family."

"You already are."

We entered a comfortable silence after that, making our way back to my Corolla. Yes, David was slumming it that day. He instructed me to head to the boys' house because he needed some footage, and I was welcome to stay there or go home.

Though his invitation was a little lackluster and borderline rude, I chose to stay, mainly because I knew I'd be driving to David's in a few hours anyways and I didn't want to waste my gas. I may have had a decent amount of money in my account, but not enough for me to be driving all over town.

David filmed some stuff with Todd and Corinna, and then moved onto filming with Jason. I was laying on the couch half asleep, but I could still hear them debating back and forth.

"David, if you want the views, I think you should just do it," Jason was the one speaking, and I heard David sigh.

"I'm not fucking shooting her. You aren't either. If anyone of you fucking touches her, I'm never filming with you again. Shooting David Dobrik's girlfriend with a paintball gun is not worth it," his first sentence had me nervous, but by the time he was done with his speech I was holding back my grin.

"I'm just saying," I could imagine Jason throwing his hands up. "I'm calling six million views based on the clickbait. You should do it."

"I'm just saying," David countered. "Don't touch my girlfriend."

"Okay, okay," Jason finally gave up the argument, and David came walking into the living room. I pretended to be asleep, shutting my eyes as soon as he rounded the corner. He fumbled with something and in a second, I was engulfed in a blanket. He wanted me to be warm. How sweet.

I heard him say, "I'll be back" to someone, maybe me. Then I heard a door open and shut. Opening my eyes, I realized he had actually left me there, in their living room, alone. It wasn't long before I noticed he had snatched my car keys. He was gone. I scoffed, sitting up and rubbing my head, waving to Jason when he came in.

"Where'd he go?" he asked and I shrugged back.

"He said he'd be back and he took my car," I explained all I knew. Jason's eyes lit up when he realized David had actually left the couch and he sat down next to me, placing his hand on my knee.

"Wanna prank him?"

Of course I did. Jason and Toddy started throwing out ideas, including a hickey prank (which I didn't think David would even notice) and a cheating prank (which I didn't think he would believe). The two boys finally decided they should just shoot me with a paintball gun in front of him and see what he does. They told me David was only mad about the original suggestion because they wanted to catch me off guard, but if I knew it was coming, he couldn't actually be angry. I somewhat believed them. They knew him better than me.

They told me the plan. Toddy was going to get David and I outside for a bit when he came back, and then Jason was going to come out of nowhere and shoot me with a paintball gun. I was supposed to act super upset, which wouldn't be hard because I was a wimp. I'd probably cry just from being shot.

David came back for me ten minutes later.

"Hey, sorry, I just needed some air and I didn't want to wake you up," he hugged me when he first came in the door. He kept his arms tightly around me and rested his chin on top of my head, rocking us back and forth for a good thirty seconds before Todd asked for our help and the plan was set into place.

Todd led us to the backyard because "the lighting was better", where he then began asking us dumb questions about our relationship. David looked uninterested, which I felt bad about, so I tried my hardest to make up for his shitty answers with some juicy ones. I was halfway through explaining the joys of our first date when Jason slid the glass doors open, paintball gun in hand.

"Fuck you, David!" he screamed then popped off a shot. I almost flinched, but I didn't need to. David's mind moved faster than the bullet and he jumped in front of me, taking the shot on the upper thigh.

"What the hell, Jason?" he seethed, rubbing where he just got shot but still going off at Jason. "I told you. I fucking told you."

"Calm down, David," Jason rolled his eyes, still playing the part that he intended to shoot me without my knowledge. I let the tears spring to my eyes, letting out a small sob to grab David's attention. When he turned around, his hard eyes softened and his hands wrapped around mine.

"You're okay," he assured me, pulling me into a hug. Over the top of my head, he said through his teeth, "See what you've done."

"Why do your friends hate me?" I fake cried, letting myself fall further into David's wide open arms. He sighed, petting my hair and flicking Jason off at the same time.

"Do you have your footage, asshole?"

"Yeah, actually, I do," Jason laughed his little Jason laugh, causing me to start giggling through my tears. David looked down at me, confused.

"You just got pranked, bitch," I smiled. David pushed me away and laughed like a little kid.

"I knew it! I knew Jason wouldn't risk our friendship for one stupid bit," he pulled me back in for a hug after realized he had pushed me away. "I shouldn't date someone who can fake cry on command. That's not good for me."

"Are you kidding?" I pointed to the camera Jason had set up. "My fake crying just got you the perfect clickbait. You're welcome."

"Thank you," he kissed my lips and the two boys watching us cooed.

"By the way, jumping in front of the bullet? You must really love me."

"More than you'll ever know."

ITS DAVIDS BIRTHDAY happy birthday to the most hardworking, soft, talented, and smart boy on the planet. thank u for making me smile every fucking day, i love u david :)

I MADE A TWITTER!!! follow me there @ messydobrik i have like 10 followers so please follow me

vote comment and follow if u liked this chapter (i didnt lol i feel like it highkey sucks but)

anyways goodnight guys!!! happy bday king david (and happy 8 years of one direction lol) xoxox abby

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