fifteen » interrogation

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"Um, I said I love you," David awkwardly shifted behind me, giving me space to turn around and face him. His hand grabbed one of my thighs and pulled it to straddle his hips. "You don't have to say it back. I know you've had some trust issues, so I'm not—"

"I love you too," I giddily smiled, grabbing his face and pulling him to kiss me. "I totally love you too."

"You do?" his eyes lit up like a little kid on Christmas morning. I nodded and he kissed me again. "Oh, thank God."

"It's a birthday miracle," I joked, rolling out of the bed when I heard a door open. I chunked David his sweatpants and pulled my underwear back on as quickly as possible. David went to investigate the sound while I put on a pair of his basketball shorts and one of the David's Vlogs t-shirts he gave me. Peeking my head out the door, I saw David entertaining Jason and Todd, who were very curiously looking around the room. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw my red t-shirt in Jason's hands and my jeans slung over Toddy's shoulder.

"What else are you looking for?" David rolled his eyes. "You have her entire wardrobe."

"A condom," Jason giggled, lifting one of the pillows off the couch like he was going to find a used condom left in between the cushions. I chose then to show myself, approaching the three boys and giving Jason a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

He smiled and greeted me, but pushed me away when I said, "Now you have David's dick on your face. You're welcome."

"You're filthy," Jason wiped his cheek then chased after Todd to wipe it on his shirt. I had to laugh at the two running around like four year olds, Todd screaming, "Don't rub that shit on me!"

"You should want to suck my dick, Todd," David fought and Todd slowed down, nodding his head.

"Yeah, you're right," Todd snatched Jason's hand and licked it from palm to fingertips. I turned my nose up.

"That's my jerking off hand. You just licked my dick too," it was a funny joke and David wanted to redo it to film it, but I reminded him of how much shit I'd get for even insinuating that I'd sucked his dick. He gave up his bit pretty fast.

The funny thing about the hate we got is that it wasn't even a "we" thing. It was a "me" thing. They didn't care that David had moved on (in seven months, people. c'mon), they cared that he had moved on with me. They didn't have a problem with him kissing me; they had a problem with me allowing it to happen. I knew if anything like what just happened was ever broadcasted, I'd be crucified online when he was the one getting his dick sucked.

Jason took me out of my own thoughts when he motioned for me to sit down on the beanbag he placed in the center of the room. The hot seat, if you will. David was profusely apologizing, but I just playfully rolled my eyes and fell into the beanbag, giving an expectant glance to Jason.


"Natalie told us that you paid her and Carly a hundred dollars to leave the house," Todd started, but was interrupted by me.

"Well, if we're being technical, David paid them," I cheekily grinned at the two boys who made eye contact with one another, knowing I was putting off whatever dumb question was to come.

"We just wanted to know, after the little show that you put on at our house, what you did during the hour and..." Jason checked his watch. "forty two minutes between when Natalie got to our house and us sitting in front of you."

"We just watched some TV," I shrugged nonchalantly, enjoying the looks of disbelief on the boys' faces. David was trying so hard not to laugh, and I could tell the whole situation was making him giddy. He wanted to brag to his friends. Boys.

"Naked?" Jason laughed incredulously and I nodded quickly, an idea forming in my head.

"Yeah, you know, sometimes it just gets so hot in here," I smirked, grabbing my shirt from the bottom and pulling it straight over my head. Luckily, both of my boobs were actually in the bra. The looks on the three boys' faces were priceless. I had never seen someone that shocked. "It's hard to keep my clothes on."

"Jesus Christ," Toddy covered his eyes at first, but eventually gave up when he realized I wasn't scrambling to put my shirt back on. "No one tell Corinna I was here."

"No promises," David joked and Todd rolled his eyes, shoving his shoulder a bit. Jason was still 100% wrapped up in the tits, so Todd took the reigns on the interrogation.

"Anyways, did you have sex or did you just do other stuff?" Todd leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees. I knew he was trying to intimidate me, and it was working. I blushed and looked to David, praying for some help.

"We totally—"

"David!" I interrupted, already guessing what his next words could be.

"—Just watched a movie," he smiled at me and I nodded my head. Good boy.


"Andthenwehadsex," David mumbled under his breath, just loud enough for the room to hear him. What a dick. The two boys next to him erupted in cheers, slapping him on the back like he won a fucking prize. I could tell he was relishing in it, so I let him have it. They weren't recording, and even if they were, there's no way David would let it go anywhere. The worst that could happen is that his whole friend group would know, and they probably would've known anyways, just behind my back.

"Was it good?" Jason asked and David scoffed, gesturing to me.

"Look at her."

His words made me blush, and Jason just nodded. "Was he good?"

All eyes were on me now, including David's, who had his eyebrows raised in curiosity. He wanted me to answer the question.

"How's Trisha? How's Corinna?" I countered, hoping it would shut them up. It didn't.

"Trisha's wonderful. She knows lots of cool tricks."

"Yeah, Corinna's great too. Perfect, actually. And David?"

I sighed, crossing my arms over my exposed chest. I wasn't insecure until I felt everyone's eyes scrutinizing me. I said, "He's good. That's all you're getting. He's good."

"Really?" Jason asked and when I nodded, he held out his hand to David for a high face. "My man."

David was smirking and I could tell he was pleased with my answer, although I barely said a thing.

"And if you guys would leave, we could do it again. You know, for research purposes."

"What are you researching exactly?" Jason asked.

"How good David is in bed, duh!"

ok this took forever and it sucks. but they said i love u awww how sweet they love eachother

also did yall see david in that white button up BLUE jeans a hat and big ass rings??? why is he harry styles???? why did i love my little amish king??

follow me on twitter @messydobrik !

vote/comment/follow and all that jazz

(guys im kinda not feeling writing because i wrote this really good fight chapter that i love but i literally cant post it yet bc it doesnt fit with the storyline yet so i have to build into it but like i dont want to build into i want to just post it do u see me struggle)

xoxo abby

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