twenty two » group questions

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"Good morning, love birds!" it was a voice I would've recognized anywhere. Heath turned on the bedroom light and I groaned at the intrusion, burying my face back in David's chest.

"You bitches sleep like this?" Zane asked, making David laugh. I had somehow ended up directly on top of him, my arms under his torso and my legs straddling his waist. They might've thought they caught us in a compromising position if we hadn't been knocked out. I rolled off of David and sighed, sitting up to stare at the two boys ruining my first good night of sleep in days.

"Did you need something or do you just enjoy making me miserable?" I frowned, combing out my unruly hair with my fingers.

"Well, all of our friends are downstairs. They want to know what happened," it was Heath who said it, and what he said didn't surprise me. I had never met a more nosy group of people.

"We'll be down in ten minutes," David promised, climbing out of bed to usher them out. "Now get the fuck out."

It was silent for a minute but David turned around to smile at me.

"Good morning," he singsonged, trying to approach me in the bed again. I rolled my eyes, using my hand to stop his lips from touching mine.

"I have ten minutes and I know there are cameras down there. We will kiss in the future," I explained, slipping around him and heading to his bathroom. Since David gave me all my stuff back, I had to use my finger to brush my teeth and his comb on my hair. He got a little pissy at that because apparently my long hair "clogged" his comb and got everywhere, but I gave him a look and he shut right up. I didn't have any form of makeup and neither did David, but I looked more well rested since I slept with him. I decided I could go without.

I also had no clothes to wear, but David always had extra merch, so I was given some of the clickbait shorts and an Anti Scotty Scotty Club sweatshirt. It was ugly and mismatched and I felt like Jake Paul, but David assured me it was fine. When we finally decided we were ready to face them, we left David's bedroom and walked slowly to the living room, hand in hand. Zane and Heath weren't kidding. The living room was packed with Brandon, Zane, Heath, Mason, Alex, Jonah, Scott, Corinna, Todd, Jason, Carly, Erin and Bruce. I immediately felt shy, especially upon seeing Jason. I had been kind of a bitch to him, both last week and last night.

David didn't seem to care about the group's presence. He raised our connected hands like I had just won a boxing match, and his friends cheered as if we'd won the lottery. I rolled my eyes playfully and sat down on the floor, David following suit. I motioned for the group to quiet down so I could make my speech. I said, "I just want to say that I'm sorry that I was a bitch this past week, especially to Natalie and Jason. I'm very thankful for David and that he has some wonderful friends who care about him more than anything in the world, and I know I'm not really a part of your group but... I love you guys."

"You are one hundred percent a part of our group," Corinna scoffed and I shyly smiled back at her. It still felt like they were David's friends and I was tagging along for the ride, but it did make me feel a little better to hear it from Corinna, a seasoned member of David's squad.

"Thank you for apologizing," Jason smirked like a little kid who just got his way. "I knew I was right."

"Yeah, I apologized but you're still an asshole," I joked and David laughed, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me to rest on him. The group aww'ed at that and I smiled. It meant a lot to me to be here.

"So... how did it happen? Did you watch the video as soon as everyone texted you?" Scott asked and I had to giggle at the thought of me the night before, doing everything in my power to stay away from my laptop.

"Do you think her stubborn ass watched the video when everyone texted her?" David countered and I just had to nod along as everyone laughed. He was right. "She waited until 11:50."

"In my defense, no one's text made it clear that the video had a time limit," I pointed out, which was true. If someone had just explained the premise of the video to me, I probably would've gone a lot sooner. "So it's not my fault."

"What'd you think when you watched it?" Mason asked, her hand wrapped in Alex's. She was just barely showing at this point, but she still looked so beautiful and glowy. The hormones were working in her favor.

"I thought wow, David put that video of me dancing online for millions of people to see," I joked, which was partially true. "This little asshole. I told him I'd breakup with him if he posted it anywhere and so when I broke up with him, he decided he had nothing left to lose so he posted it."

"It's cute," he defended himself. "I looked bad in it too."

"You weren't even in it!" I interjected and he chucked, rubbing my arm to calm me down.

"I was singing bad," he commented. I had to roll my eyes at that excuse. Like he hadn't sang bad in 20% of his videos. The next question came from Carly.

"So how'd you get there if you watched it at midnight?"

David said, "She didn't" at the same time that I said, "he cried!". David shoved me for that one, trying to tell everyone that he didn't, in fact, cry. They all sarcastically nodded, sending him faces that proved they didn't believe a word he was saying.

"I went here," I explained further. "When he pulled up, he didn't see me on his porch and he was definitely, 100 percent crying. It was so cute."

"So you guys are good now?" someone asked for clarification. I waited for David to answer, fearing this would all be some sick joke for a video.

He said simply, "I love her."

That was all he needed to say.

this is short but i liked how it ended there so sorry. guys im really sad bc im from atlanta and the views tour is tomorrow in atlanta and im not going :(

also sad bc this book is about to be over :( luckily i have another idea brewing already lol

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