seventeen » tatted up

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"Hi!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around David's neck and pulling him into a hug. I had missed him a lot more than I realized. "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks, babe," he hugged me tightly, pulling back a bit to kiss me. "I missed you so much. Next time, you're coming with me."

"Deal," I played with the strings of his hood, staring up at him with a hopeless smile on his face. I loved him too much, but at this point, there was nothing I could do to slow it down. "I missed you."

"I love you," he grabbed my face to kiss me again. We honestly just stared at each other for a few seconds, soaking in that we were together again, before David added, "Oh, your tattoo. Can I see it?"

"Yeah, you should probably record though," I told him and he smiled giddily, taking his camera out with a small giggle. "And I want you to say what you did yesterday."

"What'd I say again?"

"Like, if it says dick or something, I'm gonna be mad."

"Was that an impression of me?" he asked, laughing his ass off at my pretty good impression. I just rolled my eyes, nodding my head to speed the process along.

With the camera facing me, he said, "Okay, guys, Charlie went crazy in my absence and got a tattoo. This is my first time seeing it, so... here we go. If it says dick or something, I'm gonna be mad because she really hyped it up."

"I don't know how David guessed it, but it is a synonym for dick..." I trailed off, then I used my two fingers to pull down my bottom lip, unable to contain my laugh when David's jaw literally dropped. He turned the camera around to show his dumbfounded expression, then placed it on me again. He put his hand on my chin and used his thumb to pull down my lip. "Holy shit."

"Do you like it?" I asked nervously. "I got you clickbait for your birthday!"

"That's why I love you, babe," he kissed me once again, checking out the tattoo one more time. "I mean, that's insane. I love it. Thank you, babe. Even if you just called me a dick."

"I knew that'd be a good joke," I giggled. My next words didn't make any sense, but they were on my mind, so I said it anyways. "Now when I suck your dick, it's gonna be like... inception."

"Okay, I'm turning this off now," he fumbled with his camera for a few seconds, then set it down on the table. "We'll test it out later though. Maybe we could open Pandora's Box or something."

David wanted to take a shower in my shower for some reason. The same way I felt like his house was some fancy hotel, he compared my house to a "bed and breakfast". If that was his way of calling me poor, I'd take it. He offered for me to join him, but I knew we had a surprise merch giving to attend, so I politely declined.

He returned to my living room ten minutes later, wearing the same exact clothes but now he had wet hair. What a transformation.

"What do you want to do for your birthday?" I asked casually, trying to find a way to segue in that we needed to go to the boys' sometime.

"I have to post tonight, so I'll probably just edit today," he said. I sighed at the thought of him never taking a break and choosing to work constantly, even on his birthday. I would've tried to force him into relaxing for one night, but I knew he'd never listen. It wasn't even worth trying. "Where would you prefer we go for me to edit?"

"The boys' house," I replied nonchalantly, and David raised his eyebrows. I typically wanted to stay at his house because he had a big TV and Amazon prime, luxuries I couldn't afford.

"Why? Don't you want to watch a movie?"

"David, I've been out of contact with the world for two days. I need to talk to someone or I'll implode," I lied. I didn't really care about seeing Scott or Natalie, but I thought that was the best way to get David over there. If he wanted me to be happy, he'd take me. It was too easy.

"Okay," he shrugged, grabbing his key from my table and sliding it in his pocket. "By the way, if you put more than thirty miles on my car, I'm gonna kick your ass."

"Like you could," I scoffed, following him out the door after saying goodbye to my cat. "You're a little bitch. I'd kill you in a fight."

David kept walking for a good two seconds before turning around in an instant and literally tackling me into the grass. I screamed, clutching my chest as we fell. It took me a few seconds to realize that David had actually tackled me, but once I did, I began cackling. I don't think anyone, including David, had ever seen me laugh that hard. It wasn't even that funny, but the fact that he did it had me crying on my front lawn.

"David," I whined, lightly tapping the tears away in an attempt to save my makeup. "That was so funny."

"Are you crying?" he asked and I nodded, unable to contain my giggles.

"Holy shit, that was so funny," I laughed as David got off of me, sticking out his hand to help me up. "I just did not expect that. Wow."

"Did I give you a concussion or something?" he joked, pulling my eyelids up to check my eyes. "Have you gone crazy?"

"Obviously," I giggled, using my thumb to show the tattoo for a second. "Anyways, let's go. I'm tired."

I texted Natalie on the way over to ensure that everything was in place.

Me: hey we're on our way from my house
Me: like 15 minutes probably

Natalie: Okay! Text me when ur like 2 mins away and just walk in the front doors normally when u get here

That was easy enough. David filmed some things on our way over, us singing together to a One Direction song and a tiny Q&A about the tattoo. David was surprised about the merch, which was adorable, and I could tell he liked it because it had pictures of him on it.

Halfway through his day of editing, I was laying on the couch alone and decided to post his birthday picture. It was a picture we had taken laying in bed a few weeks ago. I was smiling and he was doing an awful Zoolander face, giving the camera a peace sign.

@.charlottefoster: happy 8 years of one direction!!!! oh ya and hbd david love u

The uproar it caused was crazy. Most people thought it was funny, which is what I was going for. Some people did not. I got several comments about how shitty of a girlfriend I was. One in particular stuck out.

@.username: u could at least try to be nice. it's his fucking birthday. jesus christ we need liza back

I debated, for about twenty minutes, replying to the comment and finally decided to just fuck it and do it.

@.charlottefoster: yep because there is no way i couldve communicated with my boyfriend any other way than instagram. itd be crazy if anyone thought that i texted him??? called him???? talked to him in person???? thats just unbelievable. instagram is proven to be the only form of communication and if my instagram post isnt from the heart he's going to just die. hes going to die. thanks for the input @.username!

I could hear David laughing from the other room, so I could only assume he was reading my comment.

"Jesus, Char!" he yelled. "You're an animal!"

I knew.

hahaha next chap is special but i want to have another chapter to post after it so i dont get bullied, so i have to write that one before i can post the next one (which made me cry btw.... like actual tears)

anyways this is just cute fluffy stuff i love them together. and kinda showing that shes insecure about liza which will also lead into next chapter!!!

please vote/comment and follow if u liked this chapter! it means a lot and lets me know people actually enjoy my books. if i were writing for no audience id probably give up, so it does a lot just to see people react and saying what they liked and didnt

have a good day yall xoxox abby

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