Chapter Three

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"Ah, Team Seven. Come in, come in." The Third Hokage beamed as he saw you and your team approach his office door.

"Hello old man!" Naruto exclaimed as he plopped himself down in a chair. "I heard you might have a mission for us?! Well you better believe we can get whatever it is you throw at us done! I am Naruto Uzumaki, the greatest ninja of all time! You say it, we do it BELIEVE IT!"

The Hokage chuckles as Sakura hits Naruto on the back of the head. "Shut it you idiot!"

"That's quite alright Ms.Haruno." The Hokage reassured Sakura. "He's actually right, for once." Naruto crossed his arms and sulked in his chair at that statement.

"Your mission is a C- Ranked mission. Nothing too dangerous, but like all other missions it must be taken very seriously." The Hokage directed his eyes at Naruto after finishing his statement.


Naruto yelled as he stood up on the Hokage's desk. Kakashi swiped him off the desk and had him in a form of choke-hold, covering his mouth.

He did it so swiftly that no one really saw the movements.

"Sorry Lord Hokage." Kakashi said as he bowed his head a bit. "We will take this mission happily, and complete whatever task it is you want done."

The Third chuckled again, watching Naruto struggle to break free from your Sensei's grip. "Your mission is to pick up a package from the Land of Snow. And bring it back here safely."

As if all in unison, every one of your team members, including Kakashi's, eyes widened.

"Land of Snow?" Sasuke finally spoke up. "That's pretty far don't you think?"

"What? The infamous Uchiha can't handle a little traveling and snow?! HAH WHAT A LOSER!" Bellowed Naruto again, after Kakashi let him go.

"You better shut it before I shove my foot so far up your a-" Sasuke was cut off by your own hand covering his mouth. "Don't worry Lord Hokage. We will retrieve the package and bring it back safely. You have my word." You say as you flash a closed eye smile, not sure who you are trying to reassure more, Lord Hokage or yourself.

"That's the spirit, (y/n)." He exclaims returning your smile with his own toothy grin.

"This task will take approximately five weeks. Maybe a bit longer should you encounter any trouble. I trust you all can complete the mission and bring the package back, unopened. The product in that box remains contained until the package is placed on my desk. Understand?"

Everyone nodded in agreement to the Thirds last statement, even Naruto shockingly.

You all pardon from the Hokage's office and stop to talk before dispersing back to your homes.

"Be up early tomorrow everyone. 7 o'clock sharp at the front gates. Pack all of your necessities and a few things to keep you occupied while at any hotels we must stop by on the way." Your Sensei says as he smiles at you all, placing his left hand on your shoulder and his right on Sasuke's.

"Get home safely, and don't forget to eat before you leave your houses tomorrow." He states as we all begin our walks home.

"Yeah yeah, what are you, our Sensei or our Dads?" Naruto commented snidely, earning him a punch in the arm from Sakura.

"I think it's sweet that he cares about us so much. Not everyone is as lucky as us to see this side of Kakashi Sensei." You retort, shocked on how you automatically came to his defense. You feel the heat burn in your face as they all stop and look at you.

The Masked Jounin ~A Kakashi x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now