Chapter Sixty

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The eyes of your team were staring at you so intensely the past couple of weeks, every move you made being analyzed and critiqued by the ones who know your flaws almost as much as you do. The training has been so intense, constant running and fighting with the draining of your chakra on top of that. Your fire jitsu has only revealed itself twice to you after the incident with the Akatsuki, and both times it only engulfed half of your body instead of the whole thing.

The first time it covered both of your arms, and the second time it covered both of your legs but that's about all you could get out of it. You could tell that your team got disappointed whenever you gave up trying, but you just couldn't help it. The first time it happened you had no feeling besides hurt and anger. The trauma you had endured was enough to send you over the edge, not caring about the physical harm to your body just as long as your baby was safe.

This time it's different though. There hasn't been any traumatic experiences or immediate danger for you to feel the need to immerse yourself in the flame of your fire. Which, unfortunately for you, means that you aren't any closer to controlling your jitsu on your own.

So how the hell are you supposed to use your ability to fight against the Akatsuki?

The pain you felt when the fire engulfed your arms was so painful that you couldn't even hold your baby after training. Then when it flamed all over your legs the pain became so unbearable that you couldn't even finish training. Kakashi had Sasuke carry you home against his better judgement, but with Lady Tsunade watching them train and not knowing of anything that had happened between the two of you she made Kakashi stay and help Sakura and Naruto train.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I forget to mention that he was carrying you home right now?

Yeah, as you sit here and read the words displayed on your phone screen, or laptop, or whatever device you are cuddling with in bed even though you know you should probably be sleeping because you have exams in the morning, Sasuke is carrying you to the comfort of your own home.

How awkward is this shit?

"You do realize that you've been staring at me this entire time, right?" Sasuke asked, a small smirk forming on his face as he stared straight ahead.

"Yes I know that, duck ass... don't flatter yourself, it's not a stare, it's most definitely more of a glare." You retorted back, scoffing at his arrogance.

"You know I've always been pretty good at reading a room, and that so called glare just doesn't feel like a look of scolding. It feels like a look of wonder." He commented back, this time his eyes landing on you and that smirk spreading wider across his face.

You just stare back at him. Those onyx eyes used to make you feel so safe and loved but now they only make you feel sick and in danger. But for some reason you still see a hint of the old Sasuke in there, the one that you could confine in about everything. The one that made you feel like nothing would ever harm you and that you could take over the world together.

"Sasuke... don't do that.." you demand as you look away from him, some feeling of remorse washing over you.

"Do what, (y/n)? Call it how I see it? You know I've never been one to sugar coat. So why don't you tell me what it is that you're wondering about. And don't lie to me. You've never been very good at that."

He approached your house, using your key to unlock your door as you tried to struggle your way out of his grasp, trying to aggressively reassure him that you could handle it from here but of course he wasn't listening to you.

You both made it through the door and Sasuke finally set you down, the feeling of his arms unleashing you left your body feeling cold, and for whatever reason that made you feel kind of... sad,

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